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Weekly Open Games

Weekly Open Games — это проект для людей, которым интересен хардкорный тип игры. Мы стараемся максимально эффективно использовать структуру, слабые и сильные стороны, а также технику и вооружение различных сторон конфликта, но не ставим перед собой цель провести 100% сбалансированного боестолкновения. Командная игра, командное взаимодействие — фундамент нашего проекта.
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Популярный контент

Показан контент с высокой репутацией 13.08.2018 во всех областях

  1. 6 баллов

    Telegram-бот wogames.info

    Находясь в местах с плохим интернетом, довольствовался только месенджерами, поэтому решил развеять скуку и "заняться делом" Представляю вашему вниманию telegram-бота WOG NEWS - https://telegram.me/wognews_bot Он рассылает новости из блогов Объявлений, Обновлений Больших серверов и Новостей Малых серверов, а также, конечно же, новостей данного блога. Реализовывал его с помощью готового конструктора новостных ботов Manybot, поэтому задержка публикации сообщения от 10 до 60 и, иногда более, минут. Цитаты, будут пополняться со временем З.Ы. Вы не думайте, что я ничего не делаю, дев версия сайта развивается, надеюсь, что скоро запущу тесты.
  2. 5 баллов

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    А может быть это один Водка выполняет приказ командования, а все остальное отделение рандомит?
  3. 3 балла

    Обновление сборки WOG 13.08.2018

    ВНИМАНИЕ! Обновление ARMA 3 (1.6.2) | ~ 13 Гб Список изменений: @RHSAFRF Обновлён до 0.4.6 @RHSUSAF Обновлён до 0.4.6 @RHSGREF Обновлён до 0.4.6 @RHSSAF Обновлён до 0.4.6 @WOG_ACE ACE обновлён до 3.12.3 @WOG_Mods Разные правки @WOG_Islands Разные правки @WOG_Extra Разные правки Так же, обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что аддоны RHS можно так же скачать с помощью Steam Workshop Актуальная строка запуска: -mod=@CUP_Terrains_Core;@CUP_Terrains_Maps;@RHSGREF;@RHSSAF;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF;@WOG_ACE;@WOG_Mods;@WOG_Islands;@WOG3_Islands;@task_force_radio; Просьба о всех замеченных проблемах, недостатках или пожеланиях, сообщать нам по адресу https://bt.wogames.info При наличии желания помогать со сборкой - также милостиво просим на багтрекер. Также, предлагаем присоединиться к заполнению Вики проекта, по адресу https://wiki.wogames.info А теперь пол года править правки от RHS Всегда Ваши, Серверокорейские повелители NOTICE! ARMA 3 (1.6.2) update | ~ 13 GB Список изменений: @RHSAFRF Updated to 0.4.6 @RHSUSAF Updated to 0.4.6 @RHSGREF Updated to 0.4.6 @RHSSAF Updated to 0.4.6 @WOG_ACE ACE updated to 3.12.3 @WOG_Mods Various fixes @WOG_Islands Various fixes @WOG_Extra Various fixes Please note, that updated RHS addons can also be downloaded via Steam Workshop Updated mod string: -mod=@CUP_Terrains_Core;@CUP_Terrains_Maps;@RHSGREF;@RHSSAF;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF;@WOG_ACE;@WOG_Mods;@WOG_Islands;@WOG3_Islands;@task_force_radio; If you encounter any problems - please report them to us via https://bt.wogames.info If you wish to join the development - please select a ticket from the bugtracker and solve it! Additionally, we ask all volunteers to join us in the task of creating a Wiki for the project https://wiki.wogames.info Will probably spend half a year fixing RHS fixes.. Yours forever, North Korean overlords
  4. 3 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  5. 2 балла

    Weekly Open Games 17.08.2018 - 18.08.2018

    Сторона 1 - KND +MOR +GHOST+A+ | Сторона 2 - RSG+5thPK+FOX+BE В пятницу 17.08.2018 играем: 1. Beketov Intensifies МСВ РФ — IBCT [ Остров — Бекетов ] Сторона 1 в атаке 2. Цитадель Takistan Army — USMC [ Остров — Фата ] Сторона 1 в обороне 3. По количеству игроков Игровой администратор — [FOX]visu В субботу 18.08.2018 играем: 1. Черное золото ВС РФ — Боевики [ Остров — Такистан ] Сторона 1 в обороне 2. Новый Собор МСВ РФ — USMC [ Остров — Черноруссия ] Сторона 1 в атаке 3. По количеству игроков Игровой администратор — [FOX]onoda Командование: Внимание! Миссии могут быть обновлены в течение недели! Следите за темами! Адрес FTP сервера проекта: Адрес автоконфига: Техническая информация для подключения (Обновленная):
  6. 2 балла

    Telegram-бот wogames.info

    "Страйкера! Найти Монаха, уничтожить!"
  7. 2 балла

    Telegram-бот wogames.info

    Бот сломан. Постоянно посылает меня и утверждает, что у него на фланге уазик
  8. 2 балла

    Лесной погром

    Залито на ФТП.
  9. 2 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    And lonely @TRUE marching towards the zone knowing his friends are dying.
  10. 1 балл


    Открыть полигон Название: Мiвiна Версия: 2e Остров: Takistan Число слотов: 152 Время начала: 05:30 Время на миссию: 105 минут Стороны: Боевики (Атака) vs Миротворцы (Оборона) Вводная Обстановка в Такистане крайне нестабильна - его разрывает на части гражданская война между правительственными силами, оппозицией и радикальными исламистами. Для урегулирования ситуации, с разрешения правительства Такистана, в страну были введены войска ООН. Однако, эта мера не дала желаемого результата - группировки боевиков не боятся в открытую противостоять миротворческим силам. Одна из таких группировок планирует захватить передовую оперативную базу 'Мiвiна' украинских войск ООН. Миротворцы готовятся принять бой... Задачи Атака: Захватить ПОБ 'Мiвiна'. Оборона: Удержать ПОБ 'Мiвiна'. Условности *Запрещено надевать форму/шлемы/бронежилеты/разгрузки вражеской стороны *Всем наземным силам запрещено пересекать красный маркер(работает киллтриггер) *Боевикам запрещено пересекать черный маркер(работает киллтриггер) *Запрещено обстреливать места респауна (место старта и прилежащую территорию в радиусе 2 км) противоположной стороны или зоны обороны, техникой ведущей огонь не прямой наводкой/артиллерией, в течение 10 минут после старта миссии *Запрещено управлять вертолетом кому-либо, кроме пилотов(скрипт) *Запрещено управлять тяжелой боевой техникой(танк, БМП, БМД) кому-либо, кроме членов экипажа и командиров отделений(скрипт) *Запрещено ремонтировать подбитый Т-72Б во время фризтайма *Миротворцам запрещено снимать свои голубые каски Для удержания зоны требуется 3 человека, для захвата - 4 Время захвата зоны - 60 секунд. Техника Атака: 2Б14-1 Поднос - 2 9K133-1 Kornet-M - 2 BMP-1 - 1 Land Rover - 5 Offroad - 4 Truck (cargo) - 1 СПГ-9M - 2 УАЗ-3151 - 2 УАЗ-3151 (Откр.) - 3 Урал-4320 (ЗУ-23-2) - 2 Оборона: BMD-2 - 2 BTR-70 - 2 Mi-24V - 1 RHSAFRF Weapons Crate - 3 T-72B (obr. 1984g.) - 1 UAZ-3151 - 2 ГАЗ-66 (боеприпасы) - 1 ДШКМ - 4 Урал-4320 (Бензовоз) - 1 Урал-4320 (Ремонт.) - 1
  11. 1 балл


  12. 1 балл

    Лого отрядов

  13. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  14. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  15. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Suddenly, the engine of the tank turned on. I moved to the driver's place in order to turn off the engine. The tank moved a few meters and I was thrown from the tank in coordinates 000 999. I tried to return to the war zone, but the mission ended very quickly.
  16. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    @crabe лучше прожить один день катлетой, чем всю жизнь быть маслёнком.
  17. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  18. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  19. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  20. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  21. 1 балл

    Обновление сборки WOG 06.08.2018

    Fix'd. You're welcome
  22. 1 балл

    RHS: Escalation

    Из группы ВК. Т-72Б3 образца 2016 года. Штурмовая винтовка L1A1
  23. 1 балл


  24. 1 балл

    WOG Game Rules [ENG]

    *will be moved and pinned to other topic by phlps*   Actual rules regulate in-game and out-of-game situations created by players taking part in WOG project, by administrating game sessions and by affecting on technical and moral-ethic parts of game play.   Administration has right to change these rules, make corrections and introduce additions in them, and create new rules. Players will be notified about them by news. Also every in-game and out-of-game situation will be overwatched separately in case it was reported to administration but there’s no rule about the situation.   Rules section #1. Engagement of slots, re-enter in game session. After administrator turns on missions and makes re-assign, slots are engaged by: Side Commander and Squad Commanders (“Squad” status on WOG project) Squad members Guests of WOG project Gaming groups (Not in current rotations despite being a registered Squad) Single players(Single engage slots after administrator’s command. Punishment: Warning kick out of slot by administrator. Repeating the violation will cause restriction of access till the end of mission) Forbidden: Engagement of another’s slot without agreement with the player having engaged that slot before (in case the player got crashed and wants to continue playing) Engagement of slot when the player’s not in TS. Engagement of slot without permission of Squad Leader who controls the slot (in case of lone slots – without permission of Side Commander). Re-enter on any slot after the death. Re-enter to any other bot (who wasn’t engaged before) after the start of mission (except cases written below). Allowed: Re-entering on any free slot in 5 minutes since the beginning of mission as a result of unintentional team-killing. Re-entering on any free slot in 10 minutes since the beginning of mission as a result of bugs, lags on spawn point or as a mistake of map-maker. Note: In case Side Commander isn’t in any Squad, he must notify Game Administrator. You engage first slot (and it’s probably engaged by someone else) when you enter the lobby. Penalty:   AR 1.1 – Denied access on project’s servers on term – up to 4 game days, if repeated – up to 12 game days. AR 1.2 – Denies access on project’s servers on term – 3 game days, if repeated – up to 9 game days. AR 1.3 – Denied access on project’s servers on term – 1 game day, if repeated – up to 9 game days. AR 1.4, 1.5 – Denied access on project’s servers on term – up to 96 game days, if repeated – on undetermined term (violation of most important rule: “One game – one death”).   Rules Section #2. Killing of player(s) on the same side. In case of dying by the hands of friendly player, spoken agreement between player (squaddies, commanders, leader etc.) about it is preferred. Reports of friendly fire in court martial are not welcomed. Teamkills are part of game play. Below are examples of friendly fire’s cause, where the responsibility is on the suffered ones (in case of second example will be found out reasonableness of such friendly fire): False Identification: Is followed by having no full and true information about placements of friendly and enemy squads. By a variety of causes friendly is taken as an enemy and is being shot: lack of radio communication when squad loses the orientation on place and goes where he’s not supposed to be etc. Fire “on my position” When enemy’s squad is in close engagement with friendly forces, in extreme cases friendlies are forced to call fire mission on their location. Meanwhile artillery or aviation or any other vehicle fires a barrage or fires to kill enemy troops who are in danger-close positions to friendlies, often on a range, which is very close to striking effects of used hardware, which can lead to friendly casualties.   Forbidden:   2.1 Killing a friendly bot with an intention to take his equipment, ammunition or to make room in vehicle. 2.2 Killing of the same-sided players 2.3 Intended killing of the same-sided players 2.0.1 Repeated unjustified reports about team-kills (when suffered one is who to blame).   Allowed: Killing a same-squaded/same-sided bot if Squad leader or Side Commander allowed Killing a friendly player as a result of Side Commander’s or Squad Leader’s (in case both player and SL are in one squad) order are allowed and is not followed by punishment. Note: Persons allowing to kill another same-sided player take personal responsibility on their actions and must use the principle of extreme need and justify their orders. If the accused in TK has apologized and the suffered has accepted the apologize, denied access to servers is lifted. Penalty:   AR 2.1 – Denied access on project’s servers on term – up to 4 game days, if repeated – up to 21 game days. AR 2.2 – Denied access on project’s servers on term – up to 16 game days, if repeated – up to 48 game days. AR 2.3 – Denied access on project’s servers on term – up to 96 game days. AR 2.0.1 – Denied access on project’s servers on term – up to 8 game days.   Rules Section #3. Side/Squad Commanding After administrator turns on missions and makes re-assign, Side Commander must engage HQ-squad, write in chat “Blue/Red/Green SC” and control engagement of slots and assign free vehicle. Rules of Side Commander: Assign slots between squads (punishment: In case Squad doesn’t want to give up their slots voluntarily, squad might receive denied access till the end of mission). Choose mission parameters (only attacking side) End mission (admit defeat) Forbidden:   3.1 – To disobey to commander of your group/squad/side, to ignore his orders 3.2 – To disobey to commander of your group/squad/side, causing loss of mission, wasting tactical plan, objectives and target set on briefing. Note: Both Speaker and Listener take responsibility for hints in chat. Detour of water obstacles around the edge of map (where water obstacles end) or where the water end just before the end of map is counted as unfair game and is taken for “Using bags of games and its add-ons”, which is the violation of 4.1 project rules. Penalty:   AR 3.1 - Denied access on project’s servers on term – up to 4 game days, if repeated – up to 12 game days. AR 3.2 - Denied access on project’s servers on term – up to 16 game days, if repeated – up to 48 game days.     Rules section #4 Unfair play, the non-game communication.   Forbidden:   4.1 Using of game bugs and its add-ons - error of code and graphical glitches (for example, disappearing textures), giving an advantage over other players 4.2 Using cheats and other software, that provide an advantage over other players. 4.3 Using non-game means of communication (such as text messages in chat TS, Skype or Steam Overlay). 4.4 Watch on-line broadcasts. 4.5 Tips in chat of on-line broadcasts.   Allowed:   • Inform your squad leader or side commander by Push (Poke Client) in Team Speak (TS) in the event of communication problems or death due to a bug games. • Watch ally on-line broadcast during the placement on slots and briefing.  • Watch on-line broadcast gaming opponent after death.   Note: • For tips in a chat responsibility carries and prompter and person, who use a prompt. • Detour water crossing over the edge of the card (where water barrier ends), or else when the river ends right before the border of the card - it's unfair game and is equivalent to "Using the bugs of the game and its add-ons", that is a violation of paragraph 4.1 of the rules of the project.   Penalty:   AR 4.1 - restrict access to the project's servers on period - up to 16 gaming days, with recidivism (repetition) - up to 48 gaming days. AR 4.2, 4.3, 4.4- restrict access to the project's servers for an indefinite period. AR 4.5 - restrict access to the project's servers period from 3 to 112 gaming days, with recidivism (repetition) - for an indefinite period.     Rules section #5 Insults, use of foul language, flood.   Forbidden:   5.1 Public insult player(s) of the project, using any means of communication (game forums, game chat, channels in TS). 5.2 Intentional affront to the administration of its operations and activities in games organization (as a collegial organ and its individual members), non-constructive (unproven, unreasoned, undermines the reputation of the administration of the project) statements in its address (the project's team as a whole and its individual members), as well as any statements aimed at discrediting the project, that doesn't carry in itself the constructive criticism and proposals for improving the game-play by using any means of communication (gaming forums, game chat channels TS). 5.3 Using the foul or abusive language in any chat channels. 5.4 Flooding in the game chat during the placement on slots. 5.5 Flooding in the game’s global chat channel at a briefing. 5.6 Intentionally set markers in the global channel during the briefing. 5.7 Intentional flood by markers on the mission's map, unrelated with briefing and preventing the normal understanding of the task by players.   Note:   • «Insult» ,also, means the constant negative remarks against the participants of the project (in the well-known sense - "troll, scoff"). Responsibility for violation of this paragraph is individual and do not transferred to the group of players/squad to which an violator classing himself . • Allowed veiled conventional expressions (Noob, tomato etc). • After death, you get into "Channel 200" (RT), where you are allowed to express whatever you think (within reason, in first 5 minutes after death, the intensity of emotions, nerves, emotions, etc.). • Flood in the game’s chat – there are any messages, unrelated to the current game. Comments, questions and other statements, relating to the current game (mission) by the commander of the side and squads are allowed. • The general gaming channel intended for administrator's messages, comments and representatives of the sides / squads / teams. Using the general chat by other players is forbidden. • False evidence at the tribunal considered as an insult to the administration.   Penalty:   AR 5.1, 5.2 - restrict access to the project's servers for an indefinite period, but not less than 4 gaming days. AR 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 - restrict access to the project's servers on period - 1 gaming days, with recidivism (repetition) – up to 3 gaming days.   AR 5.6, 5.7 - - restrict access to the project's servers on period - up to 4 gaming days, with recidivism (repetition) – up to 12 gaming days.     Rules section #6 Aerial ramming, sabotage of the games.   Forbidden:   6.1 Intentionally ramming air vehicle or intentionally dumping air vehicle on the places of enemy's accumulation. 6.2 Intentionally damage allied vehicle, delay the nomination of Allied units, unmask the allied forces (shooting for no reason, playing music - a violation here will be considered by not the execution of the order to stop it).   Allowed:   Intentionally unmask the allied forces (shoot without reason, play the music) only by order of the side commander.   Penalty:   AR 6.1 - restrict access to the project's servers on period from 4 to 9 gaming days, with recidivism (repetition) – up to 24 gaming days. AR 6.2 - restrict access to the project's servers on period – up to 4 gaming days, with recidivism (repetition) – up to 12 gaming days.   Rules section #7 Attacking enemy spawn and Test start   Forbidden:   7.1 attack or bombard place re-spawn (start location) or the opposite side of the zone defense in the 10 minutes after the start of the mission or before the time specified by mapmaker 7.2 You CAN NOT shoot from handguns, throw grenades, use any vehicles to drive during the place you spawned of a test run of the mission (after 21:00).   Allowed:   • Attack or bombard the enemy spawn or nearest places, IF its agreed or allowed by mapmaker or its allowed in the mission conditions. • On the test run mission(test start): Shoot from handgun, drive vehicles, throw grenades if its allowed by game administrator or mapmaker.   Penalty:   AR 7.1 Limited access to the servers of the project for period - up to 9 days, if repeated - up from 9 to 18 game days. AR 7.2 Access will be limited to the servers for a period – up to 1 day, if repeated -up from 1 day to 3 days.     Rules #0 Other rules of the project   Forbidden: Requirements for game nick (official site, in game, in teamspeak): should not offend other members of the project must not contain any bad language must not contain any symbols as for replacement or for beauty your nickname (exceptions are possible) It must be readable Must be same in game and in teamspeak Forbidden to use the tag (of registered gaming team) if you not member of this team Penalty:   AR 0.1 - blocking access to the WOG server before you eliminate discrepancy in you nickname. AR 0.2 – access will be limited up to 12 days.       Decision-making: Game administrator himself can decide to restrict access for a period up to 4 days. (Exception: AR 0.1, AR 0.2). Group of game administrators (minimum 3 game administrators) may decide to restrict access for a period up to 12 days. Super Administrator alone can decide to restrict access for a period up to 20 days. The group of Super Administrators can decide with a term limit access for any period (permanent ban - taken by majority votes by a vote of all Super Administrators) AR 5.2 is considered only by Super Administrator. Any Super Administrator can only temporary restrict access until the end of the proceedings.
  25. -2 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Я хочу заметить что был рядом со своим отделением, и выполнял приказ @Arcued. Я не рандомщик, а командный игрок.

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