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Sixor last won the day on July 11

Sixor had the most liked content!


About Sixor

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    Forum Threads
  • Birthday 02/16/1994


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  1. Yeah, the summer is here
  2. One moment I forgot to post back in the day, the ending was quite cool Один момент я забыл публиковать, конец был очень крутым Edit: I see now in the video it was a MANPAD shot from the airfield that hit the Mi-24, still quite a cool moment in my opinion non the less Я сейчас вижу на видео, что это был выстрел из ПЗРК с аэродрома, который сбил Ми-24, Ну я думаю это тем не менее крутой момент
  3. Это был отличный приветственный подарок, @DeomeD , тебе просто нужно было подождать, я хотел быть честным и не эксплуатировать воду
  4. Sixor


    How many zones do you need? @Tklama Yes!
  5. Sixor

    Обновление сборки WOG 27.12.2021

    @crabe I suggest also adding this along with Enhanced Movement, should be lighter and is more actual. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2034363662
  6. Me after seeing another Perma on the tribunal
  7. CU and @ZAN seeing the tribunal today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXLicO0CRvk
  8. Today on OFCRA, author @ilbinek https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1170270743
  9. @Heizy This was actually german team FJB, usually they play better than most on OFCRA but this was just bad, It started with teamkill from Stadler who killed a guy who was shooting at you...
  10. Если я знаю, мод жив, но... не на воге
  11. Sorry, impossible for me to travel one month back in time

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