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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 22.12.2019 во всех областях

  1. 7 баллов

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    А что за рокета пушка обратного полета? Сильный ветер чи шо?
  2. 6 баллов

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Попросил значит я форму выдать (ибо сломалась напрочь)
  3. 5 баллов

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Однажды сидел @Shullman и спросил @Kostize а можно что бы мы не умирали от Ragdolla, с @Kostize плакало от смеха пол WOGA
  4. 4 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    C чего ты взял что она не фикшеная? Тем более что она не фикшена год? Версию 1.2 играли в сентябре этого года (хоть и на меньше количество слотов), и внезапно оборона выиграла. Вероятно потому что экипаж вайлдкэта на том отыгрыше не сделал ничего, кроме того что бездарно слил вертушку. Таким образом, можно прекрасно наблюдать что совокупность таких фактов, как: пряморукие пилоты вайлдкэта и бездарно потраченные ПЗРК - приводят к массовому бомблению которые отражаются в количестве дизлайкнувших пост с миссией. Самое забавное, что в сентябре все эти пацаны робко промолчали, и ничего конструктивного сказать не смогли/не захотели. Значит, если против пацанов играют пряморукие люди и они ничего не могут им противопоставить (хотя все для анигилирования йоба-вертолета есть), они начинают дизлайкать картодела? Это так работает?
  5. 4 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  6. 3 балла
    Miguel CTU

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Please, dont forget to upload the last mission (Carabiru), I made 5 kills and I need them for a CTU internal bet.. I beg Please please please
  7. 3 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Красава. Твоя сторона тебе благодарна.
  8. 3 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  9. 3 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

  10. 2 балла

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Я и первую не проталкивал. Тут извините, меня экстренно попросили расширять в связи с наплывом беженцев. Рафик неувиноват.
  11. 2 балла
    Miguel CTU

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Thank, thank you admin.. I owe you 100000 pesos argentinos.. that is like 0.001 Euro.. you will be millionair in Leydens land..
  12. 2 балла

    In to the Fog

    @Liquid я и стрельнул
  13. 2 балла


    @Сидим мы на блокпосте, имеем преимущество по высоте, всё чётко. @Проходит 10 минут. @Два блокпоста зачищены с ~600м без единой потери в отделении бритов. Про прицелы у бритов писали в тему еще в январе, реакции не было... (баланс оптики пж) Дымов у талибов нет, спасибо, поиграно.
  14. 1 балл


    Просмотр файла Восход Ремейк всем известной миски с ArmA 2 WOG За авторством @exaron Вводная: Силам КСОР ОДКБ необходимо взять под контроль военную базу, вблизи города Расман. ОДКБ Атака (92) Техника Форма US Army Оборона (88) Техника Форма Добавил MaDnEss Добавлено 19.07.2019 Категория WOG Количество участников 180 Год 2015 Время на миссию 120 Погодные условия 04:30, Ясно Условие победы атаки Захват зоны, по потерям Техника атаки Условие победы защиты Удержание зоны, по истечению времени, по потерям Техника обороны Особенности миссии Тип WOG Остров Такистан Режим Захват/оборона Сторона WEST US Army Сторона EAST КСОР ОДКБ Сторона RESISTANSE Сторона атаки East Сторона обороны West Тепловизор Выключен / OFF Дата допуска 03.01.2020 Используется Deformer Нет
  15. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Хорошо делать миску, где отыгрышь 200 человек зависит от 1 пилота и 1 пзрк бойца
  16. 1 балл

    Аномально высокий пинг

    Ростелек долбить надо по-идее, я включил у себя щас winmtr (у меня ростелек спб) - если за сегодняшний вечер опять заметишь высокий пинг - покни в ТС я скажу было ли у меня. По сути это трабла динамического роутинга, дефолтная проблема когда ты за уралом
  17. 1 балл

    Аномально высокий пинг

    @Unity чини детектор Вот что происходит во время игр.
  18. 1 балл


    By online players count I think
  19. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    @Gamer, в целях повышения боевой эффективности стороны 1 было решено начать занижать в статистике показатели стороны 2.
  20. 1 балл

    Аномально высокий пинг

    Так, так, так. Александр из Новосибирска, вычислил твой серый ип и домашний адрес через брас ростелекома
  21. 1 балл

    Tank platoon omega Defense

    A very hot day on the border of Kuwait, those days of just wanting to be in a pool and sunbathing ... but well here we were fighting for the homeland and our beloved Saddam Hussein. We received the information that our column of tanks "Omega" had been strongly attacked and had to withdraw quickly before they were destroyed or captured by the enemy. Due to this delicate situation, the extraction point should be studied well and a means of action, we only had 90 minutes to define the extraction route. this was a long time since the enemy had several columns of armored vehicles, artillery helicopters, airborne infantry, TOW system, artillery and night vision systems... The action plan We expected a strong attack on the flanks and then the enemy began to press us from both flanks and ensure the greatest amount of extraction routes, it was very important to maintain these positions or burn as much time to have the enemy separated. Because of this we should look for the superiority of numbers in heavy vehicles and cause ambushes with the infantry to gain time, every minute that passes would be worth gold The first thing we had to do was escape with the armored column, refuel them, ammunition and repair, since these would come very aberrated by the enemy. It was very possible a rush of the enemy artillery helicopters on our tanks, we should be attentive since our engineers who were of utmost importance in this theater of operations could die. To prevent engineers (in the event of an air attack) from dying on a tile, we prepare 2 repair and supply points. one was in rasman (due to the high density of buildings) and the other near NUR (we would have coverage of the hills and a service station nearby) Our ZU should protect the possible rush of the helicopters over RASMAN. seccion "PUMA" on the west Our airborne section (AVE MARIA) Our airborne section would have a hard task, moving towards the western hills, it was very possible that they were the first to establish contact with the enemy and then our helicopter would head south to harass and detect the enemy troops in their advance. As the main task and something suicidal, the order was given to attack the enemy at a possible enemy refueling point, with this we could damage a supply truck or simply provoke some psychological chaos to the enemy knowing that we were in his rear guard This area would be a very important bastion in our defense, since we had an advantageous position because of the height, a rosy area where our infantry could fight against large groups since it is an area with very difficult terrain to attack zone repair 2 The "COCODRILO" section to the east It would consist of 2 BMP-2 and a T-72 + 2 infantry squads + 1 reconnaissance group to the south and 1 engineer. To the east he considered that it would be the hardest and most cruel battle that could be given, although we had a good armored force in possible superiority the problem here was the infantry, if we put in the hills they would be swept by the artillery or the enemy helicopters, they I make the decision to go the other way, leave it in the villages with the coverage of the houses and look for a fight face to face with the enemy, every minute we can win it would be worth gold If our T72 were in trouble, it would have the security corridor to the north covered by the Bmp2 the section "PANTERA" The infantry placed in the center would be the backbone of the theater of operations, in case of losing any flank we could retreat towards the center of Rasman and create a stalingrad right there fighting house by house meter by meter, we really did not expect an attack by the center of the enemy (only a rush of the helicopter) but these groups of infantry would be vital before an emergency retreat or then secure the extraction points in the center of the map In rasman would be our repair and resupply center for damaged vehicles, any enemy attack could arrive to try to destroy our tanks or kill some engineer that were vital to guarantee the success of this operation a T72 tank would be free in the white area of operations, it should be pivot in case of any flank event Our anti-aircraft zu was of paramount importance to the enemy rush or waiting for our engineers to repair the armored vehicles. no plan resists first contact with the enemy... At the beginning of the briefing my markings did not co-incide with the respective squads (another version of mission) zu static anti-aircraft systems had been filled with sand and did not work I had to waste time resetting everything on the fly, I could not get to adjust the dialing for L-13 I apologize for it, I had to give the orders started the mission and send them south to a very dangerous position which cost expensive, I ask sorry for that the AVE MARIA section detects LZ over their heads at height, although those enemy troops would be isolated would have the advantage of height, the tanks are removed to the north after repair. DT moves quickly towards the first defensive line and secures the zone next to his BMP-2 The fighting south began quickly, LG is overwhelmed by the enemy and proceeds to retreat. DT starts his own fight against a lot of enemies. a CTU scan group is sent to the hill, great air support is obtained by RSG Shelba. the hill is unsustainable without armored support. LG are still some isolated combatants but continue fighting and DT puts his BMP-2 in a safe zone and prepares ambushes with his infantry we regrouped a t72 + la zu and a handful of CTU infantry in NUR, the enemy desperately tries a rush with a humvie that was shot down by Octopus by the end of this bloody battle in the far west despite our casualties the goal was met that the enemy would not position heavy vehicles or tow from this hill to shoot us in our escape this battle left us the next balance: enemy lost: -1 hummvie + tow -2 ASV -1 M113 -1 M113 (TAKE LG) -29 ENEMYS LOW WE LOST -1 BMP2 -1 ZU23 -1 T72 DAMAGE -20 CAMARADAS LOW the "PUMA" section did a great job on both LG (holding the defensive line) and DT (carrying a lot of casualties to the enemy) supported by the armored fire of "Arcud" + Octopus in the ZU + MOR T72 + LG T72 + DT BMP2 and don't forget the help of RSG Shilba with his MI8 great job everyone! now we dive into the battle of the East 2 "COCODRILO" SECTION as expected the enemy would rush with the airborne infantry to the east. L-13 reached the very difficult position, only 4 men against a whole horde advancing, they came to report some contacts but could not do much against the size of the enemy, the RSG infantry knew that soon it would enter into combat of localities, Good news came from the east! impact on an enemy helicopter!! good job. the enemy was already in our faces RSG informed, it is ordered to retract the T72 to keep it safe with total security in case of any eventuality ghost infantry and armored waited from an oblique position to the situation and ensuring a possible extraction route SW Voker's bmp2 is ordered to be retracted, the few RSG survivors had to fight to the end isolated by the enemy, every minute was worth gold! Despite the losses received from GSR, information on enemy positions continued. Marktwain and perdido the enemy captures the hills of the east and positions armored in it, it was not long to know our extraction point. ghost covered the withdrawal Although the enemy had the hill to the east and an escape route in his possession, we had superior numbers in heavy vehicles, 1 T72 + BMP2 vs 1 T72 + ASV, we had almost control of the other 4 escape routes, this gave us 80% safe escape possibilities, in odds it was really very high in our favor, but that 20% could complicate us if we had to escape in the east BMP-2 SW voker shot several times against the enemy T72, but some impact on our vehicle and gave the loss. What was the balance of this battle? enemy lost: -14 mens LOW -1 UH 1H -1 T72 -2 M133 -1 ASV WE LOST -13 MENS LOW -1BMP2 at the time of final extraction ghost infantry makes a counterattack to the hill to retain the enemy and the GSR survivors the same. I know that possibly ghost infantry could be a bit boring in that city but it was an escape route that we had to ensure and of utmost importance, RSG was on the flank and had to endure a great enemy horde in its advance, they did a very good job and SW VOKER and LEX an excellent task, as well as the BMP2 of ghost that performed good maneuvers and covering our t72 JK Sergio tank, good job avoiding being hit by the enemy and making the necessary adjustments to escape without problems the panther section on the center, JK +TSN I guess it was the most boring part of the mission for the wait and that no enemy went through the center, but they really were a vital section in the extraction of the victory, in the end everything comes and they got an excellent job clearing and controlling to the enemies that were or were approaching our victory, without them we could not have achieved our armored column escaped receiving an AT shot but it was not going to bitter our escape, we won curva! They all worked very well and helped in this victory, I will give some special mentions: our section of engineers: they were key in this victory, they repaired and resupplied our tanks at all times, mobilizing under the attacks of the enemy, they fulfilled all the orders and risked their lives for the victory, MOR BEAST, BTK MASAKER and RASTY + LG ALQUITRANES receive the award GSR Shelba and Lama: They receive the mention for fulfilling the duty to harass the enemy from the beginning to the end of the operation and guarantee the extraction of our armored column, they never rested from fighting against the enemy and exposing their lives against all threats SW VOKER and LEX receive the distinguished mention for their acts of courage and service, causing multiple enemy casualties and after losing their vehicle they went forward to continue fighting against the enemy DT squad receives the distinction for combat performance, causing a large number of casualties to the enemy in the valley of death JK and TNS receive the distinction for successfully securing the extraction area of our Omega armored column, they appeared at the crucial moment of the battle clearing the enemy's road BMP2 GHOST SUP and PURPLE receive their distinction for combat acts, causing multiple casualties to the enemy and covering the withdrawal of our T72 to the east Tank operators JK SERGIO, HOHMOBOT + RSG KOSTIZE + LG ARCUD + MOR SIXOR receive the mention to the fulfillment of duty and value in combat achieving the survival of the main objectives and perform the extraction of OMEGA the purple medal is awarded to MOR MATTONI and TERABLICK for his performance in combat and a mention of recognition to MOR AJA for capturing and hiding the backpack with the enemy TOW It is only to thank for the performance made to each of the elements of the defense, every minute we spend the enemy worth gold! also thank the rivals on duty, they gave a good fight very even until the end Thanks total CTU LEYDEN ñeri comandier
  22. 0 баллов


    Просмотр файла Haba-Haba Ремейк миссии с А2, автор оригинала @Banzai Британская армия пытается отбить Чак-Чау у местного Ополчения и Армия Афганистана. Техника сторон: Британская армия: CH-47F - 4 шт. AH-1 "Wildcat - 1 шт. M978A4 (топливозаправщик) - 2 шт. Армия Афганистана и ополчение: M1025A2 (M2) - 2 шт. Hilliux (ДШКМ) - 1 шт. Hilliux (Rocket) - 1 шт. Hilliux (ЗУ-23-2) - 2 шт. Praga - 2 шт. ЗУ-23-2 (стационарная) - 3 шт. ДШКМ (стационарный) - 12 шт. Техника без контроля: Hillux - 4 шт. УАЗ-3151 - 1 шт. Особенности: Киллтригер на границе карты минимальная высота пролета - 50 метров; На северном аэродроме, установлен киллтригер для зеленых. Добавил JackReign Добавлено 05.12.2018 Категория WOG Количество участников 160/181/211 Год 2014 Время на миссию 120 Погодные условия День, солнечно Условие победы атаки Захват четырех зон Техника атаки CH-47F - 4 шт. AH-1 "Wildcat - 1 шт. M978A4 (топливозаправщик) - 2 шт. Условие победы защиты Продержаться 120 минут, не допустив захвата четырех зон Техника обороны M1025A2 (M2) - 2 шт. Hilliux (ДШКМ) - 1 шт. Hilliux (Rocket) - 1 шт. Hilliux (ЗУ-23-2) - 2 шт. Praga - 2 шт. ЗУ-23-2 (стационарная) - 3 шт. ДШКМ (стационарный) - 12 шт. Особенности миссии Тип WOG Остров Такистан Режим Захват/оборона Сторона WEST BAF Сторона EAST Сторона RESISTANSE Армия Афганистана и ополчение Сторона атаки West Сторона обороны Resistance Тепловизор Выключен / OFF  
  23. 0 баллов

    Тренировочный день

    Тренировочный день Просмотр файла В версии на 129 убрано по отделению Добавил Rob Добавлено 11.11.2018 Категория WOG Количество участников 154 Год 2004 Время на миссию 130 Погодные условия 6:00 Условие победы атаки Захватить базу Техника атаки 4х Praga V3S, 5х УАЗ-3151, 2х УАЗ-3151 (ДШК), УАЗ-3151 (СПГ-9М), УРАЛ-4320 (ЗУ-23-2), 2х 2б14-1 Поднос Условие победы защиты Продержаться 130 минут Техника защиты 5х УРАЛ-4320, 2х БТР-40 (ДШКМ), 2х УРАЛ-4320(Грузовой), 4х ДШК, 2х АГС-30 Особенности миссии Новобранцы без раций, разгрузок и касок. Все их снаряжение в пути Тип WOG Остров Литиум Режим Захват/оборона Сторона WEST Сторона EAST ТА Сторона RESISTANSE Талибы Сторона атаки Resistance Сторона обороны East Тепловизор  
  24. 0 баллов

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    ДикаяКиска любит покушац
  25. 0 баллов

    Обсуждение прошедших игр


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