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О планах Командирах и всем остальном

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Интересно посмотреть на видение бородатого ветерана, будучи молодым игроком и молодым ксом, но по сути игры меняются, составы. А методы все те же. На автомате и по инерции остаются такими же. Революции не случилось, ничего нового не произошло) разве что механики игры богаче стали) спасибо за тему. Не видел, не знал и с удовольствием  прочитал. Где сейчас монах?) 

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15 часов назад, FlayeR сказал:

И еще одна статья Монаха, о том как все начиналось и во что в итоге превратилось

  Показать контент


"Истоки рандома":troll:

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I have one interesting point wich is related to actual situation.

Attack side really often try to rush enemy position. Why? Because they want to catch defenders unprepared.

Defend side also sometimes rush attackers. Why? Because they want to catch them unprepared inside vehicles and cause them as much losses as it is possible.

Both sides have something in common. What is it? They both want to win. Almost every single side commander preffers winning than good gameplay. And this is the reason why everyone rush as much as it is possible or side commander just make some smart plan which breakdowns the mission. For example destroying stacionar jets inside of hangars by flying jets... I think people who are playing WOG are playng here because they want to play. Nobody want to wait 15 mins in lobby, 15 mins in briefing and play only 15 mins long mission because side commander just decided to fuck up with mission and with all of us...

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5 часов назад, Kubajs21 сказал:

Attack side really often try to rush enemy position. Why?

Cuz of 2 hrs.

5 часов назад, Kubajs21 сказал:

Defend side also sometimes rush attackers. Why?

Cuz its effective. Mobile defence. Or maneuver defense. OR if you dont know how to defend just put 4 markers on map and let your boys sit in bushes 2 hrs.. Its your will as Side Com.
No problem there. If you c attack side have no moves so make it by your self. Attack - attacking, Defend - Defending its a box. THINK OUT OF THE BOX.

5 часов назад, Kubajs21 сказал:

They both want to win. Almost every single side commander preffers winning than good gameplay.

Yes. And you want to win too. Don't fool anyone and dont fool yourself. If you think you want win and prefare "dushok(soul) gaming", you will not think the same when loose 3-30 times in a row. 

5 часов назад, Kubajs21 сказал:

 And this is the reason why everyone rush as much as it is possible or side commander just make some smart plan which breakdowns the mission. For example destroying stacionar jets inside of hangars by flying jets...

Wrong. Every one rush according PLAN, and WILL of Side Commander. Else you will be warned and if not help, banned soon. If mission maker don't count timers and made, a weak balance any Side Commander can finde this unbalanced maneuver, or timing. It's not depend from players it's need to be fixed in mission from play to play. Nothing comes in this world perfect. It's grows and stands perfect.

5 часов назад, Kubajs21 сказал:

 I think people who are playing WOG are playng here because they want to play. Nobody want to wait 15 mins in lobby, 15 mins in briefing and play only 15 mins long mission because side commander just decided to fuck up with mission and with all of us...

One-man management, is a true soul of WOG. Its what we have and what sets us apart from another rutine projects. In one game you can be commander in anoter you soldier, and mb in 3d you will crew driver ? You obay to side com. and can be side com in next mission all others will obay you. Your gameplay depend only from 3 things:
1. Quality of prepared misson by misson maker.
2. Quality of preparad plan by Side Com.
3. Willnes of other people play and do according to plan, and situation in game.

Very simple. If you make misson do it well. If you preparing a plan for game do it well. If you play as a regular "bom" soldier from africa with jaming ak47. Just do what comander say and try to do it according to what they say. Thats it. Very simple rules for fun gaming.

P.S. If this not FUN for you.. So.. >>> Link <<<

Edited by almost

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I really don't care about who wins or loses. I don't have time anymore to care about WOG so much so if I am commanding I always prepare some quick random plan. But I always try to prepare a plan which will be safe enough so my people will not die 5 mins after the end of the freeze time.

The rest of your text is a little bit out of the point... My text is only about rush plans which are made by side commanders and about special "plans" where you finnish the mission after 15 minutes. I am not playing any mWOG missions because I don't want to play mWOG missions... If you make from the regular big WOG mission the mWOG, you will really not pleased me.

BTW for me the word rush means direct quick assault toward enemy positions immediately after the mission start. I don't have any problem with active defending.

Edited by Kubajs21

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Yes And you want to win too. Don't fool anyone and dont fool yourself. If you think you want win and prefare "dushok (soul) gaming", you will not think the same when loose 3-30 times in a row.


You are wrong in this my friend :-(

Yes, we also want to win. But we prefer a long quality game without loss, rather than winning.

I can sit in the base for 2 hours without do anything. I have not problem with it, not like anyone.

Kubajs only say he prefer good gaming then fast game. Do not be ugly on him we like you guys.



PS If this not FUN for you .. So .. >>> Link <<<

You can look on our steam account. And you can see here we not play games like this. : - *

Edited by Stealth

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41 минуту назад, Stealth сказал:

we like you guys

We too.
Just need to accept one thing. WOG have some bad SC and MM. Thats it. Also it have couple of shitty players but that's not critical at ALL. More importent is experience in SC and MM.

Edited by almost

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