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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 25.09.2020 во всех областях

  1. 5 баллов

    Быстро обратно

    @Avarax, Обязательно: Все еще присутствует лишняя запятая в конце массива. Необходимо ее удалить, чтобы не создавать еще один пустой объект в массиве. Все еще необходимо выставить технике статус "Разблокировано", это необходимо, чтобы в случае если КО вылетел, игроков не выкидывало из машины. Наверное все же не отказываешься, а меняешь на Шилку? Необходимо переименовать соответствующие роли экипажа, сейчас там написано что это экипаж 2S6M, что не является верным. Все еще не поправлено. Более того, теперь и медик является инженером. Все еще остались лишние пробелы, Grup Leader'ы, Panzerfaus Operator'ы и Machine Gunner Данный пункт все еще не выполнен. Все еще ограничения, все еще нет информации, что их могут брать ГРУ, все еще нет информации что их нельзя брать на русском. На английском она есть. Если есть сложности с переводом, напиши, я переведу. Все еще нужно поправить форматирование как текста, так и самих картинок. Ты конечно можешь отказываться, но тогда объясни зачем так необходимо, чтобы они захламляли карту после фризтайма? Необходимо убрать данные строчки: clearWeaponCargoGlobal _this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _this; clearItemCargoGlobal _this; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _this; как и в остальных миссиях, в соответствии с новыми правилами. Все еще не выполнено Необходимо продублировать условности касательно пересечения маркеров также и на красную вкладку. Рекомендации: У ребят с РПГ-32 есть только противотанковые выстрелы, но нет осколочных. На миссии нет столько техники чтобы было куда отстрелять столько противотанковых. У СпН все еще остались древние ПГ-7В. P.S. Я напомню, что конечно можно писать круто выглядящие слова ОТКАЗЫВАЮСЬ ВЫПОЛНЯТЬ и вести свой крестовой поход против бюро, но проигравшими здесь будут только простые игроки. Если эта цена тебя устраивает, то конечно продолжай в том же духе.
  2. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    tHX but if i add changer i give RF WMD
  3. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Внимание HOTFIX! Качаем, тестируем, заполняем bt.
  4. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    Update fix problem
  5. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    Thank you for clarifying that you understand what he wants from me. Please explain to me next time what exactly you understand, because only now that theory has explained it to me have I understood. I fix that next day
  6. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    Yes @Zwierdik i test that and work i dont see eny problem use that. And if is problem that it is written directly in the script with ammunition is true that you wanted it that way and I did it voluntarily, even if it is NOT in the rules for MM.
  7. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    @Avarax Наверное я проглядел, но необходимо поменять в bmd.sqf Это на а в btr.sqf Это на Извиняюсь, что проглядел это во-время проверки.
  8. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    @MaDnEss fix
  9. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    Update: Change reserv slot 183-220 Change heli armament
  10. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

  11. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    @MaDnEss @Zwierdik 1.Done 2.Done 3.no 4.done 5.done (i dont know if put corect uniform and dont reupload picture RF becos i dont sure uniform ) 6.no 7.done I don't know who is breaking the rules but ok 8.done 9. The rules limit the game and there are plenty of them so why complicate it more. 10.No 11.I have marked the departments that are ready to close in case of a smaller number of players bout side.
  12. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    Когда будет время на проверку миссии. Просьба не торопить, от этого будет только хуже.
  13. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    4. Not all is corect but in my understanding it is that RF is the name of all troops and VDV is a part of those troops so it's just about understanding .. 11.I want to leave them there, from my understanding, the commander will get a map where enemy units are highlighted, etc. 13. now undestend done 14.1 explained done 16. To KS squad add engeniers and riflmen delet 17- 20 I therefore agree with that. Replaced BTR-80A with BTR-80. Added 1xBMD added 2 metis shots. Another chinok added for the US. I leave the rupsaks to me, but the RFs are terrible, both in terms of appearance and balance with BAF, nothing will fit in them. But I would like if they spread to more things and then released them right away by chance you wouldn't be able to do it?And most importantly, the balance to the RF does not give as much to the BAF badpack I'm sorry for the armor chestrig, but I'm not going to build a balance of missions and a gaming experience for reality. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the players will probably shit that one side will die on one ball and the other even after several. That is why I choose less evil. But if you have some info about the addon where these armors are, then I think it would be worth giving the crab to look at it or it could be integrated into wog colection. 22-26 - Even the blue and red side - the truncated gps now has only a commander and driver and the pilot should have no more. The same goes for binoculars. 28. Ok so next time I make a card for you to come. I still had a problem with the ammunition not loading in my truck. So far, this is as I wrote above. 30. When I tested it, it wasn't a problem, but I'll take your advice 34. Aha I already understand this is not optical optics has zoom.Done 35. No. I didn't know it was a sniper rifle so I was looking for the best I could be. What exactly to write like this, what to put instead, how to write like this here like idiots? 37.done @Zwierdik New version upload
  14. 1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    1. done 2.I don't understand why set it when there are red and blue. Please explain 3. Waves and wind are set but I see no reason to change that.The weather is off and the only change on the hand is waves and wind. I don't understand what you want. Please explain 4. If I could ask you to explain it next time, because what you want is so I don't have to research and bother someone from you to explain what you want. 5. OK 6.And here is the problem that is on your side but mine is logical. VDV is part of RF and before RF - VDV madnes wrote it to me at VDV RF but it is an exchange. For me, RF VDV is right because first of all it is about the country and VDV is a component.Therefore, all slots are soldiers of the Russian Federation in the VDV 7.done i delet that 8.done 9.done 10. no i dont copy to blue 11. For what reason. It is as if drawn on that map so that everyone knows where to attack. 12. Change on red and VDV RF 13. I'm sorry, but I don't agree with that. Am I breaking any rules about this? If so, I'll fix it right away or is there some other reason why? 14. done 14-1- for what reason was it never done truthfully and I have no idea how? 15. But after the introduction of the igla crab, I thought it was a modified rocket that did not have a setting from vanilla. Madnes explained to me that I was wrong. The rocket was changed to the correct NOT vanilla version. We must all follow the rules. Thank you for reporting a serious error. 16. I delete one from Uaz. 17. I agree with that, but on the other hand, we do not have weapons for the BAF and their armor is not possible to do it 100% to answer. If I did one side after this picture, there would be an imbalance and fast killing of VDV RF, and that is not appropriate. 18. Ok done 19. There was a requirement to issue the right structures, so I do. Zampolit explained to you about it and yes it is from that side. So if you don't have any other better translation, please state what you think will be better. 20. I am aware of this, but as far as I know, both briefs and uniforms do not break the rules after 5-6 / 7/8, so it is possible to give them. Here it is true that this is how I see it. But if I'm wrong and it breaks the rules, I will change it right away. 21.*******************The box is not for their department, it's just a storage of ammunition that KS is going to give to soldiers. He structurally changed and gave KS-FTL-RIF-RIF-MED.I hope that I will see this requirement in others where you will check missions because the standards need to be met and everyone. Thank you for the warning I will remember in the future and if it is requested one by one must be requested after all :) 22.It was supposed to be binoculars but will be fixed on it. We don't have the GLONASS system in Arma 3, I'm sorry but I can't see it. Below I present a file of satellites that have served and have served for years Uragan(1)1982–19851003+0 UraganA(1)1985–1986603+0 UraganB(2)1987–19886+6✝03+0 UraganV(3)1988–2005590[15]3+0 Now have only SQL and Crew 23. Mistake copy pase problem i fix that. 24.OK 25 OK 26. GLONASS more good playing for people 27. ok 28.I don't know how to do it. For BTR it's actually possible and for BMD I fixed it to standard. 29.Everyone has a smokestack with them, but if you think it should be necessary i make that. 30. The problem with textures is not that they are in the ground.Is standard snap position. 31.fix 32,done. 33.done. The rules must be followed. 34. https://ria.ru/20190612/1555361933.html More in spoiler all have same optic and i give only some becos balanc . 35. As I mentioned, even the version of the rifles at BAF does not fit with what they had there because we don't have it in the choir, according to the page from Zampolit, I released as similar a weapon as possible. 36. I give only for crew and SQL ok 37. You can explain ? The edited version cannot be published until you write to me about answer my qvestion. It doesn't make sense to check it multiple times. @Zwierdik
  15. 0 баллов

    Joint exercise

    Просмотр файла Joint exercise КМП США и Королевская морская пехота атакуют силы вероятного противника - OPFOR. Добавил CaesarSalad Добавлено 28.01.2020 Категория WOG Количество участников 195 Год 2021 Время на миссию 120 Погодные условия 06:30, Облачность, легкий туман Условие победы атаки Захвачены 2 базы противника Техника атаки AV-8B Offshore Raiding Craft HMG x6 Надувная лодка x8 AAVP-7A1 x3 AR-2 Darter UAV x3 SDV x2 Условие победы защиты Хотя бы одна база осталась под контролем до конца миссии Техника обороны УАЗ-3151 x2 БТР-80 x2 БТР-80А Ми-8МТ Корд СПП x4 ЗУ-23-2 x3 ПТРК Фагот x2 2Б14-1 x2 Особенности миссии Total unbalanc and unplayble map Тип WOG Остров Карибу Режим Захват/оборона Сторона WEST КМП США + Королевская морская пехота Сторона EAST OPFOR Сторона RESISTANSE Сторона атаки West Сторона обороны East Тепловизор Включен / ON  
  16. 0 баллов

    Быстро обратно

  17. -1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    @Avarax Поменяй форму рф на флору (и по лору подходит и по камуфляжу). Афганка ТОЧНО не подходит напфу. (+скриншот) Убери из чинука ремку и будет допущено
  18. -1 балл

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

  19. -3 балла

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    На проверке
  20. -7 баллов

    Марш-бросок на Приштину

    View File Марш-бросок на Приштину History of this situation https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Марш-бросок_на_Приштину Submitter Avarax Submitted 05/12/2020 Category WOG Number of participants 220 Year 12.june.1999 Time for a mission 120 Weather 12:00 / sunny Attack side win conditions Capture airport Attack side vehicles 2x Wildcat AH1 8 CAS 7X MCV-80 1X Land Rover 1X Land Rover ambulance 1x Chinook Defense side win condiotions Defend airport Defense Side technique 5x BTR - 80 3X BMD - 2 2X UAZ 2X 120mm mortar 1x Ural fuel Some metis Some igla Mission features Mission have reserv slot 183 to 220 player Type WOG Island Остров Напф Mode Захват/оборона WEST side BAF EAST side RF - VDV RESISTANSE side Attack Side West Defense Side East Thermal sights mode Выключен / OFF  

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