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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 25.01.2021 в Сообщения

  1. 1 балл


    View File Border Island Altis divided to the two parts. Western part is controlled by Russia and eastern part is controlled by NATO. Russia decided to build strong border line with defensive objects to prevent spread of the NATO influence and spread over Altis island. As the situation escalated the US army on the eastern part of the island is preparing to perform push through the border. They strive to secure military base behind the border to get pivot point for further advance. The border will not be easy task for attacking side as it is guarded by fences, bunkers , watch towers, mine fields and barriers. Attacking side decided to use advantage of the night vision technology and attack will be performed in dark. Attacking side can use special truck with winch to pull antitank hedgehogs of the way. Each bunker is equipped with static weapons. Some weapons are placed on telescopic table to increase vertical range. Attacking side has Engineer Squad Vehicle with plow to deal with minefields. Uniforms photo. Submitter Masaker Submitted 10/18/2020 Category WOG Number of participants 161 Year 2007 Time for a mission 120 Weather 00:00, Clear Moon Attack side win conditions Main building in the military base is captured. Attack side vehicles 10×M1151 M2HB 5×M1151 (O-GPK/Mk19) 2×M1A1SA 1×M1132 1×M1025A2 1×M1043A2 1×MTVR (Repair) 1×MTVR (Ammo) 1×MTVR (Refuel) 1×MTVR (Winch) 1×M1133 MEV Defense side win condiotions Main building in the military base is defended for 120 minutes. Defense Side technique 1×T-72B 1×GAZ-66 (Ammo) 1×Ural-4320 (Fuel) 1×Ural-4320 (Repair) 1×UAZ-3151 14×GAZ-233011 1×GAZ Vodnik (Medical) 9×SPG-9M 9×KORD (6U16) Mission features Anti tank hedgehogs can be draged by winch. Type WOG Island Альтис Mode Захват/оборона WEST side US Army EAST side Russian Federation RESISTANSE side Attack Side West Defense Side East Thermal sights mode Выключен / OFF  
  2. 1 балл

    The Union Jack

    This commentary applies to not only this mission and does not suggest any specific measures for improvement, just an idea to think about: Honestly, there are real suggestions on how to balance vehicles. But that still doesn't resolve gameplay for infantry (especially defence side). They will still be destined to be shot only. Which is about 40% of the players on the server who have a very limited chance of interesting gameplay. If I overdid it, if the AI were replaced, the crews of the attacking armoured vehicles would probably not see a difference... Attacking infantry (40% of server players) defend the perimeter around vehicles, spot enemies and guide armoured vehicles on targets (at least partially some gameplay - teamwork) (although the last two things, due to thermal optics, are weakened quite a bit) and then recharge the zone and finish cleaning some hills from the rest of enemies present. And only 20% are the crews in the vehicles who actually play and the whole game built on them. Numbers are approximate, I don't know the exact %, but somehow it will be. By usually, there are 2 in the vehicle (driver, shooter) and 6-8 infantry, ie 20-25%; then + engineers, some pure infantry squads/teams and SF, HQ -> that is that 20% of players (and maybe less %). For me, who plays purely as infantry on WOG, such missions are well watched on youtube, but playing them is disgusting. (This was more typical of TSG. But lately, this is beginning to become a significant problem of this project. Saturday's mission "Actions to Peace" was a pretty similar story in that spirit.)
  3. 1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/885123772?t=3h5m45s Zurbon: D I was wondering who threw this in my head. Then I saw you fall and break your neck: D: D
  4. 0 баллов

    Pirate Bay

    @crabe Чем тебе не "совместные действия"?
  5. 0 баллов

    The Union Jack

    Это сугубо проблема КСа готовящегося к миссии, расписывать каждую мелочь до винтика и его номенклатуры, а так же в каком ящике он лежит я не буду, ищите сами и познавайте дзен.
  6. -1 балл

    Обсуждение прошедших игр

    Одиночка не отряд!
  7. -1 балл


    Накал Просмотр файла Советская армия пытается удержать своё влияние в Чернорусском регионе после провальной для себя Афганской войны. В связи с накаленными отношениями СССР и США, Пентагон отправляет ограниченный контингент в Чернорусь. Добавил Yuki_Hattori Добавлено 19.08.2019 Категория WOG Количество участников 154 Год ~1990 Время на миссию 120 Погодные условия 16:08, Небольшой дождь, гроза. Условие победы атаки Захватить зону. Техника атаки 3х - UH-60L Условие победы защиты Удержать зону Техника защиты 3х - ЗИЛ-131 4х - ДШК 1х - АГС-17 Особенности миссии Пехотная миссия. Тип WOG Остров Подагорск Режим Захват/оборона Сторона WEST US Army Сторона EAST Советская Армия Сторона RESISTANSE Сторона атаки West Сторона обороны East Тепловизор Выключен / OFF  

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