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Скрины бы хоть с английским же текстом хоть приложили...

Кстати, а IRL у пендосов тоже приводят в сознание нашатырным спиртом?

Изменено пользователем Wrangler

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17 минут назад, Wrangler сказал:

Скрины бы хоть с английским же текстом хоть приложили...

Не один ты такой смекалистый. Работаю над этим.

17 минут назад, Wrangler сказал:

Кстати, а IRL у пендосов тоже приводят в сознание нашатырным спиртом?

А за этим к бракоделу

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0. Make sure it's relatively safe around before applying first aid to the wounded.

1. Press "First aid" by using the scroll menu or with the hotkey that you previously bound to this function.


2. Examine the wounded.


3. Define the symptoms.

Depending on a selected class - you would see different results in the First aid hint. Medic would see procedures in applying order and a regular soldier will only see symptoms and he'll have to decide by himself what to do first and so on.



4. Symptoms and medicines:


Unconsciousness - requires the Nasopharyngeal tube to keep the wounded soldier breathing.

To awake the unconscious person you'll need to use Smelling Salts

Bleedings require bandages (Emergency bandage, Gauze bandage) and Tourniquet (in case of an arterial bleeding)

Rapid pulse and Pale skin indicate a serious blood loss. The applying of Saline is needed.
To reduce the pain of the wounded you'll need to inject Morphine or Trimeperidine.

5. Despite the availability of "special" medicines (Saline, Smelling salts and Nasopharyngeal tube) make sure to stop the bleeding first (using the Tourniquet and bandages).

6. As the bleeding stopped, you'll have to make a decision based on your own skills and availability of the required medicines:

- To continue providing first aid (if you know how to and if it is possible)
- Cancel the first aid procedure and call for a combat medic (if your own medical skills are low)

7. You decided to continue the first aid procedure:


7.1 If the wounded is unconscious make sure that he is able to breath (use the Nasopharyngeal tube)
7.2 If the pulse and breathing have stopped - do a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Adrenaline increases the chances of restoring the heart muscle, but it should only be applied by professionals (medics)
7.3 After restoring the pulse and breathing - apply the painkillers.
7.4 If the wounded lost a lot of blood - increase the blood pressure by applying Saline
7.5 If the wounded is unconscious - use the Smelling salts.

8. Contraindications and recommendations:

- If a wounded person is conscious - applying the Nasopharyngeal tube will deteriorate his condition
- If wounded has a pulse - CPR will also deteriorate his condition
- Adrenaline, applied by non-professional (not a medic) may kill the wounded, so be careful
- The Tourniquet is reusable
- Smelling salts are also reusable

9. Notes:


- The patient's condition has improved and he'll soon get back to business.


- The patient's condition has deteriorated and that means you did something wrong.


- Patient has passed away - you done goofed, buster brown.


- There is no pulse - keep doing the CPR.


- Pulse and breathing have been restored - stop doing the CPR.

10. Wounded poses:


*Explanation of this chapter

After one of the VTN's update, the wounded may perform various animations (they may also look like corpses).
To check if the wounded person is alive or not - come right next to him and use the scroll menu.
If there is no "First aid" option and his "Inventory" is available - the person is dead.

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Как-то аляповато :yoba-arma: Заголовки в заглавные переведи :yoba-arma: Просто потому, что МНЕ НРАВЯТСЯ ЗАГЛАВНЫЕ :yoba-arma:

Изменено пользователем DAP

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5 минут назад, Kostize сказал:

@yanot Займусь внедрением в тс чуть позже


@Kostize ещё бы закрепить под постом Grow. Или в его пост прям закопипастить.

Изменено пользователем yanot

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@yanot, А вообще есть предложение перенести весь текст прямо на картинки и оформить в виде ПДФки на манер руководств к АГС и РПГ :yoba-arma: Только без этих твоих афроамериканских шуточек :yoba-arma:

Изменено пользователем DAP

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2 минуты назад, DAP сказал:

@yanot а будешь выделываться - забаню на тестовом :yoba-arma:

Как на счёт нет? Или всё же нет? Скорее нет, чем нет. Нет, решительно - нет :yoba-arma:

Изменено пользователем yanot

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4 минуты назад, DAP сказал:

@yanot сразу в бан :yoba-arma: Домой только вернусь... :yoba-arma:

Хоть сразу два бана :yoba-arma:

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@DAP ПДФки эти ваши богомерзкие,не нужно придумывать велосипед.


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