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Quick Assault 6/10/2018

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So, for the beginning, I made 2 risky decisions. The first one was to abandon the southern zone. It was just useless, no cover, opended from 2 sides and no escape from the other 2 sides because of kill trigger.


The second one was that we will expect the enemies to come from south and south-east and leave the north just to few people. Which was a good one, they did come from south. If they wouldn't then A2-3 (MOR) would go in their backs with MRAP with mk19 and MAAWS.



In the first few minutes of the mission the enemy's SPN (URAL) somehow managed to "sneak" by A1-6 (A+) and flank them.



 After some time A2-1 (KND) went to help them. At the same time enemy hind was already trying to do something, but it was shot down by our stinger. After some time I received more info about more contacts on south. They simply pushed their way right next to the zone.

And here comes the question "Why have I not put more forces to the West or South?"

There was already enough forces, the density of our forces would be too high, there would be a lot of friendly fire, we would have to be careful when using GLs, grenades and what not. It was better to take positions near the zone and defend it.

And the enemy could still come from center, which he later did.

There really isn't much to debrief, as soon as the enemy was spotted near zone, everyone was ordered to go on their LZs near zone, and everyone just started to fight over it.

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2 часа назад, Octopus сказал:

Моя позиция была не лучшей, чтобы увидеть юг из-за этого небольшого холма:  https://prnt.sc/l38r5c


На это и был мой расчет и спн ехал согласно нарисованных мною путей!) qk60JLsO1z4.thumb.jpg.7d2fb8c4ad77db2cdf3faacc5ef54cf6.jpg

Это был мой изначальный план, но потом наблюдатель спн увидел открытую калитку и я принял решение отправить их южнее своей метки где они и столкнулись с врагом )
P.S. Я командовал 1 раз и все прошло не так гладко  как я хотел ) 

Edited by emty

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17 часов назад, Spreekill сказал:

There was already enough forces, the density of our forces would be too high, there would be a lot of friendly fire, we would have to be careful when using GLs, grenades and what not. It was better to take positions near the zone and defend it.

As I understand there was not enough UGLs at squads because I heard just 2 shots.

I don't know is A+ told to HQ, that there was 4 trucks with people.

So, as for me, I think main mistake was that you did not move mk19 and at least one LAV to destroy all forests at south-west. Maybe someone would die from projectiles, maybe some one in fear would run into trigger.

LAV with thermals can try to protect MRAP from BMP/inf. and support in aiming.

Edited by Liquid

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