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Бойня в администрации

Римейк моего римейка миски @mib


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  • Условие победы атаки
    Захват зоны, либо уничтожение терминала и захват администрации
  • Техника атаки
    3xM113A3, 1xM113A3 M240, 1xM113A3 MEV, 4x UH-1H, 2xM923A1, 60мм миномёт в HQ стрелкового взвода, 4xM47
  • Условие победы защиты
    по времени, по потерям
  • Техника обороны
    5x БТР-60ПБ, 1xБТР-40, 1xГАЗ-66-АП-2, 1xУрал-4320, 1x Зу-23(стац.), 4x НСВ (стац.) , 2xАГС-17(стац.)
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    У обороны в наличии ПТ и ПП мины
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@crabe, Может дать комрадам возможность самим выбирать позицию ЗУ-23-2, сейчас ее нет возможности передвигать и она довольно бесполезна и уязвима.

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@ZAMPOLIT Дело в том, что в оригинале, который я воссоздавал, никакой ЗУшки не было вообще.
Добавил её только потому, что хъюики с пулемётами в А3 ощутимо злее + есть реально работающее подавление. Добавлена с целью отшугивать в начале игры наглые вертолёты, которые будут шмыгать рядом и высматривать терминал.  Я и не хотел чтобы она по пехоте работала или принимала атаку на высадках. 25-30 минут угрозы - это всё что от неё надо. Потому и БК там маленький и защиты стрелка нет и позиция только для стрельбы по воздуху. Основная сдерживающая сила - это совеццкая пехота + правильно применённое гранатомётное отделение, чего на А2 практически не получалось ни у кого.

Изменено пользователем crabe

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  1. I recommend reducing wind movements.
  2. I recommend reducing the size of your photos
  3. I recommend add RPG-7 OG
  4. I recommend in BTR RPG – 18 
  5. For RF put one ZSU trucks whit ammo.

RED side

  1. Deliver at one more magazine to the pistol for SQL
  2. Put this mag on trucks and box
  3. Deliver automatically to any soldier rgd-5
  4. Give medic rgd-5
  5. Командир 2-го МСВ – in this squad is 2 engineers but don’t have name
  6. image.png.f8c2d21577991289874ffd65ef3c5a28.png
  7. Medical truck don’t have medical inside. Put inside medical instrument.
  8. AT change rpg 7 V ammo to VL 
  9. Add one more mag for PKM to his inventory 
  10. Vehicles crew whit aks-74u don’t have tracer ammo
  11. Assistant MG don’t have RGD-5
  12. Assistant MG don’t have tracert ammo
  13. ZSU have only 5 magazine put more mag


USA side

  1. Pilot don’t have smoke
  2. SQL - Put one more mag for pistol
  3. Recon Platoon sergeant have m16 whit GL but don’t have GL 
  4. In squad Recon Platoon leader – corpsman don’t have tracert ammo.
  5. Heli squad – grenadier and AT and rifleman don’t have tracert ammo 
  6. Heli squad – AT have bad rifle give him m16A2
  7. Medic don’t have tracert ammo
  8. Setup Locker open for ALL M113 (in edditor can go in backup solution) 
  9. Crew in M113 don’t have gun don’t have chest rig don’t have space for medical
  10. M113 where is mortar – delete dagon and 7,62mm EPR 20RND magazine and explosive (max put there one) and 200rnd m249 ammo
  11. M113 whit M2  - reduce the number of magazines for M2 on 5 and M113 whit 240 setup on 10
  12. This M113 have only AP ammo for MG. Reduce the number of AP ammunition and add other types
  13. image.png.987d440ac65aadd2c1f36ab2ad2d6b41.png
  14. MG assistant and Ammo bearer don’t have tracert ammo and don’t have smoke
  15. M113 where soldiers with m249 put inside inventory m113 m249 tracert ammo


Изменено пользователем Avarax

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13 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

I recommend reducing wind movements.

Why, what's wrong? 

13 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

I recommend reducing the size of your photos

Whey are small. 40-50kb. 

14 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

I recommend add RPG-7 OG

OG-7 was invented in late 90s

14 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

I recommend in BTR RPG – 18

Why? There is a lot of AT shots + mines and a couple of vehs. i wanna see M113 in zone and massacre! That's the reason why mission called "Бойня"

14 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

For RF put one ZSU trucks whit ammo.

No way!


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RED side

15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

Deliver at one more magazine to the pistol for SQL

Why? Pistol battle is expected or what?

15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

AT change rpg 7 V ammo to VL 

Why? PG7V has no power against M113 or what ?


15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

Add one more mag for PKM to his inventory 

no free space in editor. MG loads 1 mag after mission starts and i dont want to f*ck with special commands to add items inside the weapon.
he can take ammo from truck or btr.


15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

Vehicles crew whit aks-74u don’t have tracer ammo

I want tracers only for SQL and TL and HQ. 


15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

ZSU have only 5 magazine put more mag

look at my answer to Zampolit





USA side


Same things for tracers 

15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

Heli squad – AT have bad rifle give him m16A2

what rifle is bad? why it's bad only for Heli squad ?

15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

Setup Locker open for ALL M113 (in edditor can go in backup solution) 

what's that? Locker ?


15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

Crew in M113 don’t have gun don’t have chest rig don’t have space for medical

guns for crew stored in vehicle. I'll check space for medicine and will give them backpacks if not exist


15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

M113 where is mortar – delete dagon and 7,62mm EPR 20RND magazine and explosive (max put there one) and 200rnd m249 ammo

why? Everybody can take ammo and dragon and use it. No matter where its stored.


15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

M113 whit M2  - reduce the number of magazines for M2 on 5 and M113 whit 240 setup on 10

Why? there is default and its fine for me



15 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

This M113 have only AP ammo for MG. Reduce the number of AP ammunition and add other types

AP is exactly what i need - to penetrate walls and trees. And its by default.



11 часов назад, Avarax сказал:

One more problem

The ZSU on roof must be moved or placed on another object. During spin / charge, it tends to jump to change the incline or to get into the texture.

Would try to fix it but not sure



uff, im tired now

Изменено пользователем crabe

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15 minutes ago, crabe said:

RED side

  Reveal hidden contents

Why? Pistol battle is expected or what?

Why? PG7V has no power against M113 or what ?


no free space in editor. MG loads 1 mag after mission starts and i dont want to f*ck with special commands to add items inside the weapon.
he can take ammo from truck or btr.


I want tracers only for SQL and TL and HQ. 


look at my answer to Zampolit





USA side

  Reveal hidden contents

Same things for tracers 

what rifle is bad? why it's bad only for Heli squad ?

what's that? Locker ?


guns for crew stored in vehicle. I'll check space for medicine and will give them backpacks if not exist


why? Everybody can take ammo and dragon and use it. No matter where its stored.


Why? there is default and its fine for me



AP is exactly what i need - to penetrate walls and trees. And its by default.



Would try to fix it but not sure



uff, im tired now


Pistol - Standard is 2 mag the boys told me when they controlled the missions of me


Why? PG7V has no power against M113 or what ?

This stupid box is made of impoverished uranium from the front and back, so yes. It collects more than 6 rpg - 7 V from the front and rear of the vehicle. Of course the crew sometimes dies after the first sometimes not. Note that HULL is always white. The only thing that needs to be repaired is the engine. I propose a compromise of 50% V and 50% VL. And from side he take 1 or 2.
I'm afraid that as you said someone fires into that box RPG comes dude will fix it and will be stupid running in the zone. And especially no one has any rpg like rpg - 18 from standard infantry


Add one more mag for PKM to his inventory 


I want tracers only for SQL and TL and HQ. 

Standard one wog is always that if this weapon offers are available this ammunition but ok.

look at my answer to Zampolit

I accept what you wrote to him, but I still insist on adding ammunition. There are 7 magazines that means 3.5x complete reloading. Plus, the heli will shoot from a distance, so it consumes more ammunition. Add pls 3 more magazines to be there at least 5x full overcharging zsu.
I take note of your plan and, as the shooter himself said, simply shoot them off, so this is a precaution to start with.

what rifle is bad? why it's bad only for Heli squad ?

All his team has version M16A2 only he in the whole team has version M16A1 and it looks strange as if he was oppressed: D

what's that? Locker ?


In my language it is called lock and i use locker sorry. I understand that it does not need to set up but in the editor you could always get into the vehicle problem at m113 is that it can not. Therefore, I want you to change it to "open" status and avoid problems.

AP is exactly what i need - to penetrate walls and trees. And its by default.

Personally, I do not agree, because then an ordinary soldier with MG and they can enough to easily destroy all BTR. And you need an RPG to destroy the M113.

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Что нового в версии 1.0.0

Изменены настройки ветра
Экипажам синих выданы разгрузки
Выданы пистолетные патроны в технику красных
Убраны пистолеты у красных пулемётчиков
Галочка медицинского транспорта проставлена для m113 MEV

1. Corrected wind. My fault due to automatic сonvertion A2 sqm. Was too hard, mi scusi
2. SQL has already at least 2 pistol mags, so its fine but some more added to vehicles
3. I tested PG-7V and its fine against M113. Easy to damage tracks or engine. Unmobilization is the end of its usage in most of times.
4. There are many tracer mags in vehicles. Anyone can use it.
5. No changes to Zu ammo. that's right, im sure
6. M16A1 in heli squad is not a "bad rifle". It's a good rifle cause it has full auto mode instead M16A2. So no changes. Those units and rifle platoon units uses the same loadout, so i won't make a new scripted case. Im too lazy for that and its not a mistake or somthing like that. 
7. There is no problem with lock option of vehicles. It has a default state and there is no reasons to use other states. 
8. M113 (M240) has default ammo for APC from RHS, and used in other missions with that vehicle. Potential battle BTR vs M240_veh is almost impossible, i believe it will be used only as a transport or last hope in assault to zone. So its unnecessary

Изменено пользователем crabe

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У красного отделения АГС странные "броники" которые ни дают брони в них влезает 6 магазинов к калашу,а весят они пустыми 15 килограм....

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@crabe В отделении Альфа 1-3, ВС СССР у наводчика-оператора отсутствует карта, хотя во вкладке "Мой отряд" показывается что она у него должна быть.

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В 10.08.2019 в 11:03, Arcued сказал:

У красного отделения АГС странные "броники" которые ни дают брони в них влезает 6 магазинов к калашу,а весят они пустыми 15 килограм....

Нормально всё с бронёй, просто описание создатель не приложил. 


Что нового в версии 1.1.0 

Выдал карты членам экипажа и медикам красных
Выдал карты бойцам воздушной кавалерии синих
Покрасил вертолёты в американские шкуры
Немного подвигал объекты в зоне
Маркер на терминал связи теперь сразу на брифинге показывает обороне место перемещения

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@crabe, у красных в отделении с АГС ни у кого нет рюкзака, чтоб переносить улитки. Очень неудобно заряжать АГС в результате.

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Что нового в версии 1.2.0

Устранены перегрузы униформ
Убраны патроны 7Н10
Убраны парашюты из вертолётов (оставлено по одному)
Стартовый уровень топлива у вертолётов выкручен в 11%
Старт механизированной группы синих отодвинут на 500м севернее
Время старта миссии сдвинуто на 10 минут попозже.
Добавил совсем чуть-чуть тумана + слегка уменьшил облачность.

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Забыл, что хотел после прошлого стремительного захвата что-то сделать с большой зоной.

Что нового в версии 1.2.0
Изменил условия захвата большой зоны.
Теперь для захвата требуется не двое синих, а пятеро.
@FlayeR На ftp сам залил, ничего делать не надо.

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Что нового в версии 1.3.0

Отключен лёгкий захват у большой зоны
Адаптация растительности под обновлённый Подагорск
Правка скриптовых ошибок
Добавлена версия на 193 слота
Правка подписей у слотов
Оптимизация точек спавна отделений
У всех членов экипажей выключен атрибут инженеров
Красным добавлено 4 дополнительных ремки в ящик
Немного порезал дальность прорисовки объектов и земли

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Что нового в версии 1.5.0

фикс советских касок
замена униформы СА на новую берёзку
новые бинокли для СА

залито на фтп

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