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[MOR] Отряд MOR
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Сообщения, опубликованные Stealth

  1. On 3/17/2021 at 4:03 PM, Aja said:

    With permission, I will use the post I previously posted in the flame thread on the forum (Posted Sunday at 11:22 AM):

    "When the PIVADS started to fire on our squad, everything went to shit. And I know that we are going to die on that beach, so I started running toward the PIVADS with the hope to save others (at the time, on the radio there was only screaming: "we are going to die..., etc". After the PIVADS there was one guy in front of me, so I killed him. After that I lost contact with others, I thought they are dead, so I followed the grand plan, which was just to move to the zone (I have no map!!) After I get access to long-range radio, I retreated and try to contact some squad, but there was dead silence on every frequency. I know, I made mistake (probably ruined the game for some people), when I started running toward the PIVADS in the heat of battle and I should die on the beach with other brothers.   I know it was a mistake, I know I fucked up, but you just asked for a reason and I know this is not an excuse."


    Aja страдает посттравматическим стрессовым расстройством. Иногда случается, что его застают в драке и он просто убегает. Aja выступал в WOG несколько лет. И каждая миссия берет свое :-(

  2. 9 hours ago, Grow said:

    Why did you leave the band and go solo?
    PS Stealth, do you really need to explain why the infantry has to go dispersed and keep the flanks? Or did the mortar on the second explain it well enough?


    Don't mention me. He knows the rules I was already dead at the time and I disconnected because this mission was worthless. Aja was probably angry at the shitty plan that cost us a lot of lives. So he went solo. The rules also know his punishment. I can't blame the behavior of the people in my clan. I saved lives on the beach as a medic to the last breath :-(


    There is someone on each mission who likes to walk alone: D I'd rather ask him in the chat why he did it. Before writing shit to the tribunal.

    For the second mission. A trip to the beach and the help of BTR who covered us. It has been the best event at WOG for me in a long time. Because a lot of people started helping each other in one place. To cover others, to treat them, etc ... It was fair to die here with you.

  3. JK Sheived 

    What the fuck are we playing? Counter strike? How come one dick went that far alone? Do we play WOG as CS or what? Where is the spirit of the game? Fuck. Such fucking dicks just spoil the game. You may not like my comment, but I don't care. You're just a jerk. I don't mind if I died, but in what way.

  4. https://stats.wogames.info/replays/1981/


    Morison died.

    RamZesIV why did Morison go west alone and no one tagged him? Then we thought there was an enemy and we watched it there unnecessarily. And then he killed himself on our mine.

    And where did all the shovels end up? We could not make fortifications around the base and it was easy to get there.

  5. 6 часов назад, onoda сказал:

    Это происходит, когда вы переходите от пулемета к AGS и обратно к пулемету. Он выбросит вас из машины и травмирует.

  6. 8 часов назад, MaDnEss сказал:


    You misunderstood everything, in fact, we ran into a pebble and flew into space at a speed of 2000 km / h, after 5 minutes we landed somewhere on terraformed Mars, then the admin came to us, the tank failed, so we were given a new one , and while I was throwing off the teams to cut off the bk, we were shot :(


    That doesn't change the fact that the admin teleported from the fight when he was attacked by my team. Then, thanks to him, 3 of ours died when he teleported them to the zone. Then he teleported to his unit again, where most were already dead. He ported 10m from ours and they did not understand what was happening.

  7. On 8/17/2020 at 10:27 PM, Theory said:




    Не лучше ли в субботу переключить первую миссию на вторую? На карте Таноа по-прежнему мало людей. Значит, здесь будет мало людей, так поздно для второй миссии.


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