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LORD стал победителем дня 21 августа 2014

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  1. Hello,    it is a pleasure to announce that the maps for this second edition are ready and available for downloading!   Download link: ESM™ | A-Series CTF Conferences League 2016 maps     The main changes on the maps are:   - Added the weapon SMG_02_F - Improved respawn protection/area of each side - Added and improved building placement - Map pack reduced to 12 maps from 15 (this may change to 15 again for the second set of matches)     As in previous occasions we have opened a forum on which you will be able to report any kind of issue you may find on these maps.   Forum link: Support & Bugs   We would like to use this chance to announce that we already have 3 enroled teams at the moment (88th Co."Walking Death", United Nations Army and Nato Special Forces!   Remember that the deadline to enrol your team is the 17 of May. If we reach a minimum of 8 teams on this day the second edition of the ESM™ | A-Series CTF Conference will commence.     GL & HF   Electronic Sports Masters™ | Where the challenge begins ... esportsmasters.org
  2.   Hi folks, we are happy to announce that before end of May (Registration deadline: May, 17th), the second edition of the Electronic Sports Master™ | A-Series CTF Conference League 2016 will start. (Game mode CTF | Capture the flag) We take this opportunity to change our name with the aim to adapt to some issues that came up during last edition. This little change of organization is about ping issues faced by some teams located in the US or in Asia.     Main characteristics: ✓ Any team that fulfils the minimum requirements for an event can join. ✓ Game mode: "Capture the Flag". ✓ Mods/addons: Not allowed. ✓ The number of participants is restricted to 14 team per Conference. ✓ Teams can play with up to 8 players if both teams reach an agreement ✓ The local team selects the map that will be played     New features and rules for this new edition: The teams will have to pay a 4€ registration fee, which will be reimbursed at the end of the competition* The teams may register in any conference they want as long as they meet the ping criteria* The ESM™ provides the teams with a server in each conference to let them perform all the required tests before the competition starts. * Read rules   Conferences West, Center and East: West (South America, USA y Canada) - ESM™ | A-Series CTF WCL 2016 Center (Europe, Africa, Western Russia) - ESM™ | A-Series CTF CCL 2016 East (Eastern Russia and Asia) - ESM™ | A-Series CTF ECL 2016     Hereafter you can find the list of official ESM™ servers: USA (Western Conference) Name: Electronic Sports Masters™ | OFFICIAL SERVER 4 [US#KS] IP: Port: 2312 Europe (Center Conference) Name: Electronic Sports Masters™ | OFFICIAL SERVER 1 [EU#FR] IP: Port: 2316 Asia (Eastern Conference) Name: Electronic Sports Masters™ | OFFICIAL SERVER 5 [ASIA#XX] IP: Coming soon Port: Coming soon     Here is the calendar for events from now to the beginning of the competition: Registration deadline: May, 17th Maps revealed: May, 9th First round: From May, 30th to June, 6th   Some useful links: Join Season: Conference West, Center or East League Rules: ESM™ | A-Series CTF Conference League 2016 Maps download: Coming soon   Match for the 1st place Broadcaster MicOne   Feel free to join the community! Follow and join us at:   ✓  Steam: ESM_Info ✓  Twitter: @ESM_Info     For more info contact us via our forum or eMail: info@esportsmasters.org       GL &HL   Electronic Sports Masters™ | Where the challenge begins ... esportsmasters.org
  3. It is a pleasure to announce that on the 1st of September 2015 the first edition of the Electronic Sports Masters™: World League 2015 will begin. It is a PvP e-Sports championship of international nature for the game Armed Assault 3 in its CTF game mode. The Electronic Sports Masters™ (ESM) arises from the necessity of hosting and offering the international community of e-Sports of Armed Assault 3 a place in which they can share and, of course, compete at the highest level, with quality, compromise and seriousness standards, thanks to the good practice of all our collaborators. The official language will be English, although there will be different sections for different languages with the aim of promoting participation of the Arma 3 community. With all this we aim to complement and, why not, expand, the current offer of events that up to now was oriented exclusively to big MilSim groups. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please write an email to info@esportsmasters.org with these data: - Name/Surname: - Birth date: - Place of origin: - Mother language: - Other languages (written and spoken level): - Tools/apps of interest for the ESM: - How would you collaborate? : · Forum moderator · Arma 3 missions editor · Writer (News) · Event master · Webmaster · Art/illustrator/graphic artist - Why are you interested in collaborating with us? Chat room - Skirmish Games A. What is Skirmish Games? With this name you will find non-official games (official ones will be managed through the forums to have a track of events) organized on-the-go though our chat. Join Chat Room B. What is the objective? To offer a meeting point where people can organize on-the-go games easily and quickly. C. How does it work? The first thing to do is sign up in our website to be able to access the chat. Once you are logged in you can leave a message in the general lobby with the following information and format: - Game mode/ map / number of players / Server (yes/no) / level of your team (low/average/high) - Example: CTF / Gravia / 8 / yes / average People who are in that moment in the chat and see your message can contact you directly through a private chat to be able to negotiate and play the game. For more information, please visit our website www.esportsmasters.org. Join now and enroll your team BEFORE Sunday the 1st of September 2015! - Team registration: ESM: A-Series World League 2015 CTF team inscription - Download maps: Coming soon - League Rules: ESM: A-Series World League 2015 CTF rules Follow us: Twitter - @ESM_Info Steam - ESM_Info BIS - Electronic Sports Masters™ GL&HL Electronic Sports Masters™ - Since 2015. Where the challenge begins ... www.esportsmasters.org
  4. LORD

    88th Infantry Tournament 2014

    Hi! I came a last time to your forum to announce that the tournament will begin next week. Inscriptions will end on September 19th, Friday, at 24:00 GMT+1 (CET). From that date onwards it will be forbidden to make any change in the teams or enrol new players. On the 20th, a raffle will be made to establish the different groups, and once published, teams will be able to challenge each other through the official Tournament forum. Forum: READ - Official Calendar I also want to announce that the last version of the official maps (v2.24), with which the Tournament will take place, is available to download. We recommend you delete the previous version from your servers. Downlad Link: Available September 18th. Visit our fourm for downloading! We have been working very hard to improve the code in the maps so they are as competitive as possible. I remind you to report to us any problem you find through our forums. Forum: Support & Bugs I would like to remind you that before any match you can ask for an overseer to supervise the match through TrackingCAM, so to guarantee a fair fight, or simply to broadcast the match. Here you have the rules regarding streaming and supervising: 2.6.6. Each map has 4 civilian slots (two for each team) that can be used in the following scenarios: - Under request of any team, the Organization can supervise the match to control the misuse of bugs. - A team can request a member of a different team (preferably Manager or Captain) to supervise the match. In that case the overseer must be in the TS3 server of the rival team or the Organization's to avoid any problem (they must have the microphone enabled and be available). - To live-stream the match. A (minimum of) 5-minute delay must be applied in the broadcast. 2.6.7. If a team requests the supervision of a match through TrackingCAM, the rival team cannot reject the proposition. If the request is for the bradcasting of the match through the Internet, the opposing team can deny the request and that option would be discarded. The teams inscribed up to date are: - 88th Co.”Walking Death” Z3Ro - [FUSION] - United Nation Army I - RFPartizans - Red Mosquitoes - United Natios Army II - Polite Engagment - German Nato Corps - UTERUS - Armée de l’ombre An important point to take into account will be that all the games must be played at the official tournament servers. Servers ceded by the United Nations Army team - www.united-nations-army.eu - 88th Infantry Tournament - Server 1 - 88th Infantry Tournament - Server 2 - 88th Infantry Tournament - Server 3 - 88th Infantry Tournament - Server 4 - 88th Infantry Tournament - Server 5 We expect a fair and respectful time during the tournament, since that is the spirit we want this tournament to have. GL&HL 88th Infantry Tournament 2009-2014 - Where the challenge begins Powered by MIONIX
  5. LORD

    88th Infantry Tournament 2014

    Hi! I came back to your forums to communicate the launch of the official maps for the Tournament. They can be downloaded through the following link: Download link: [88IT] CTF - Official 88th Infantry Tournament Maps 2014 [36.2MB] These will be the maps to be used during the Tournament unless stated otherwise by the Organization. We have created a special forum where you can report any bug you find so we can fix them before the Tournament. We would also like to provide you with some interesting links for the Tournament: Forum: Support & Bugs Forum: Team inscription Forum: Tournament Rules Forum: About the Season We have recently presented the CTF templates you will find in the maps to Make Arma Not War contest by Bohemia Interactive, and we would ask for your help voting it. In order to do so you only have to access the website of the contest and vote for us using the option "SUPPORT". Finally, you can take a look to a video of the new spectator mode you will find in the maps, called TrackingCam, that will allow you to broadcast the games from different angles, and that would allow the Organization to supervise no cheats of bugs are used. PS: Login, sure i remeber KnD! I have posted in their forum. GL&HL 88th Infantry Tournament 2009-2014 - Where the challenge begins Powered by MIONIX
  6. LORD

    88th Infantry Tournament 2014

    Hello, sorry, yes is Arma 3 competition. PD: Simich, hope see Red Eagle in our tournament! Best
  7. LORD

    88th Infantry Tournament 2014

    We are pleased to announce that on September 22th, 2014 a new season of the 88th Infantry Tournament in CTF mode will begin. The novelty of this year is that teams will fight 6 vs 6 and each team may register a maximum of 8 players. Thanks to the sponsorship of this edition through MIONIX, we can offer the following awards to the first classified: 8* Professional Gaming Mouse MIONIX NAOS 3200 + bundle surprise courtesy of MIONIX *one for each registered playerSign up now and register your team BEFORE September 19th, 2014!. For more information please visit the tournament forum. Downlaod Official Tournament Map Pack: Available September 1st! Powered by: GL&HL 88th Infantry Tournament 2009-2014 - Where the challenge begins Powered by MIONIX

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