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Нарушение п.п. 1.3 игроком LG tvogorok, 25.01.2025 на 1 миссии

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Никнейм нарушителя: LG tvogorok
Нарушенный пункт правил: 1.3
Дополнительные нарушенные пункты: 3.1
Дата нарушения: 25.01.2025
Номер миссии: 1
Название миссии: Agricultura 1.3
В отношении кого были нарушены правила: leyden
Свидетели нарушения (если имеются):
Описание нарушения:

-this player took a slot in the CTU squad without any permission from the Team Leader

-I never enter the ctu channel to talk or comment on my game idea

-At the beginning of the mission, he was asked for equipment under my order as commander and he refused on several occasions to hand it over.

- It was an order and he didn't follow it.

-He also did not explain that he would not play with us and went with another team

- According to the rules, I even had permission to shoot him, but one is a good person and I let him play.

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Как командир стороны, вынужден дать следующие пояснения касательно ситуации:

1. Поставил игрока [LG] Tvogorok на слот я, пользуясь своим правом командира стороны. Если мне не изменяет память, то сделал я это сильно до того как была дана команда "Одиночки на слоты".
2. Мною было создано отдельное формирование в виде "Отделения FPV" в состав которого входило три оператора FPV дрона (Из состава отделений Альфа 1-2, Альфа 1-3, Альфа 1-4) и один оператор развед. дрона (Из состава отделения Альфа 2-3). Особо хочу отметить что ротационным отрядам стороны 1 об этих изменения было известно заранее, путем предоставления информации в канале диксорда.
3. Игрок [LG] Tvogorok, как Оператор FPV дрона был приписан мной на брифинге к составу отделения FPV дронов и действовал в его составе, под моим непосредственном командованием на отдельно выделенной КВ и ДВ.
4. О том что Операторы БПЛА будут действовать отдельно от отделений и то что у них свои задачи, и то что командиры отделений не должны им мешать при выполнении их задач, а также о том что дроны являются имущественном приписанному к Отделению FPV, мной было сообщено на брифинге, в том числе несколько раз.

В связи со всем выше сказанным, считаю данную заявку недоразумением, возможно вызванным языковым барьером.

Edited by ZAMPOLIT

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It wasn't a misunderstanding because of the language, just no one said anything about taking slots, neither in Spanish, nor in English, nor in Russian, so it definitely wasn't a misunderstanding. He also disobeyed the squad leader's orders when asked to hand over the equipment, refusing several times. The order was in English, more than understandable. A misunderstanding would be due to a message involved, nothing like that happened here.

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It's still a misunderstanding, cause you still fail to understand, that this man was placed on this slot by ME and was under MY command. He coudn't disobeyed your orders because he was NOT under your command. And i explicitly stated this multiple times on briefieg that FPV-operators have their OWN orders, OWN tasks and not to be disturbed. They have their tasks, you have yours. So, again, there is clearly a misunderstandig.

P.S. To prevent such cases in future, on a mission where i'm Side lead, please, if you have any problems with a men that I ordered to take a slot and they have their own orders, you need to address this matters DIRECTLY to me. Then we will try to resolve this issues in calm and constructive manner.

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10 часов назад, LEYDEN CTU сказал:

It wasn't a misunderstanding because of the language, just no one said anything about taking slots, neither in Spanish, nor in English, nor in Russian, so it definitely wasn't a misunderstanding. He also disobeyed the squad leader's orders when asked to hand over the equipment, refusing several times. The order was in English, more than understandable. A misunderstanding would be due to a message involved, nothing like that happened here.

Ok so. At the start of the game i informed you that as I was ordered by side commander to take FPV drones and go with FPV squad. (I believe you have a video of it. I said it in english). 

About the equipment. I was asked to hand over the optics which i didnt have. I told you that i only have collimator sight which everyone at the squad already had. I received no answer back. So I did what i was asked by the side commander, told you that i had no optics on me, told you after the mission start what i needed to do. 

Btw you have never voiced any concerns about me not being present at the vehicle, or taking FPV's from the truck. You also had another gallinocka by the name of Chuv, whom you abandoned at the start of the mission. No concerns about him were raised at the mission so he had to run after the truck but you didnt stop for him anyway. 



I am so irritated by this nonsense of a tribunal aimed to seek revenge. 

It would be great if you provide some sort of video of the incident. 


P.S.  Обращаю внимание администрации, что данная заявка мною расценивается как месть г-на лейдена за заявку (см. ниже). Прошу учитывать это при вынесении решения

P.P.S. Не первый раз уже происходит война через трибунал со стороны лейдена. Пример ниже 



Edited by Tvorogok
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