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Violation of a rule 3.2 by player [MOR] Stealth, 06/13/2020 during 1 mission

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Nick of the violator: [MOR] Stealth
Violated rule: 3.2
Additional violated rules:
Violation date: 06/13/2020
Mission number: 1
Mission name: Восход 1.3
Suffered side: синий
Witnesses (if they exist): синяя сторона
Violation description:

Я сказал командиру MOR спрятаться в их маркере, скрыть TOW и подождать, пока один наблюдатель обнаружит вражеские машины на южном горизонте. Я даже пошел в их комнату TS, чтобы убедиться, что они полностью поняли мой план, Stealth сказал, что да.

Я хотел, чтобы они поместили TOW за камни на моем маркере, чтобы TOW мог стрелять на 2-3 км вниз на юг

Но Stealth приказал положить TOW на холм в одном километре к северу от моего маркера и приказал CTU разбить лагерь в городе, который был абсолютно бесполезным

Я думаю, что если бы TOW был на его месте, мы уничтожили бы хотя бы одну вражескую машину, что могло бы оказать значительное влияние на то, как эта миссия закончилась.

Я не думаю, что это была клановая проблема, а индивидуальная проблема, поэтому я думаю, что должен быть наказан только один человек, а не группа



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Lol? Really? : D Yes I place TOW on different poss. But even so, it didn't help because the radar from the enemy helicopter found everything anyway. And that's all? Are you writing such nonsense here? I repeat that Mattoni has a personal problem with me because I kicked him out of the clan and now he is threatening me at WOG to watch out for him :-) 

Depending on the situation, as a division commander, I considered it better to hide the TOW backwards where it would have a better chance of survival. But unfortunately it still had no value.

And Mattoni writes this submission only because I banned him at MOR TS :-) So I think it's personal again.

Изменено пользователем Stealth

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This is nothing to do with my problem with Stealth. I told him to hide the tow behind the rocks. On the hill where stealth put the TOW wasn't even bush. Next point is that TOW is undetectable by radar, only HMMWVs are.

If Stealth asked me to put his TOW behind the front line and I give him permission, I would not write a think. The problem is when I asked him on why isn't MOR on his position, he didn't answer claiming he had too many people talking on KV so he couldn't hear me even tho I asked him on DV more than two times.

I still consider this as a violation of KS command and he should be punished. After rewatching replay I noticed that they would actually destroy enemy BMP with 5th squad, maybe even BRDM which could have a serious impact on how the mission ended.

I would not bring any personal problems here, that´s not appropriate, but I will let him in that he kicked me etc. even tho I left by myself.

Изменено пользователем Mattoni

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Its not personal but punish only KS commander :D On TS you write me something diferent. 

<16:18:01> "[L-13]Mattoni" pokes you: ty si mi dal BAN první, absolutně bezvýznamně, když se chováš ty jako čurak, budu se tak chovat i ja


you gave me BAN first, absolutely insignificant, if you act like a dick, I'll act like that

<16:18:30> "[L-13]Mattoni" pokes you: jenom bych si tedka dávalů pozor, aby si porušoval co nejmíň pravidel :)


I would just be careful to break as few rules as possible :)


So dont tell me it is not personal. 


Please admin to lock this complaint I will not comment on it anymore. Let everyone interpret it as they wish.



Admins can also ask the people I commanded if something was wrong.

Изменено пользователем Stealth

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Well, I tried to solve this problem in private, not on a tribunal, when I joined your TeamSpeak, you instantly banned me = you don't want to talk about it, you have nothing to say. Rules are rules, just because I was a friend with you I closed my eye, but as I can see, you have to be punished as everybody else...

To be honest, personal "violations on tribunal" were here approximately 2 months ago and all of these from personal hate were vulgar. For example: A:"You are a cunt" B:"No you are a cunt" etc.

This is just rule you didn't follow as a team leader no matter if you banned me or you didn't like me. That´s like you commit a murder and said that was personal.

Stop writing that it is personal and actually defend yourself, why you did it and why you should be punished. I bet you don't even know what 3.2 rule is, let me quickly translate that for you:

3.2 Failure to comply with the orders of the party/branch/group commander, entailing a loss of mission, death of the players of their side, disruption of the tactical plan, tasks and goals set at the briefing.

This has nothing to do with personal issues. I put maximum effort to do this plan, it took me several hours to plan so we can win this hard mission. I'm not replaying to any other comment containing "personal hate/revenge" 

Изменено пользователем Mattoni

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2 Months ago I have it recorded what you talk to me :D So you be honest.


So the decision to move Tow backwards resulted in the death of everyone on our side and the loss of the game: D What about Bradley AA? Did I hear they screwed up enough? Will you write a tribunal for them as well? A lot of teams will die every game because something goes wrong, etc. and that's why you'll blame them and want to bann for them? I remember the last game that L13 commanded. How you came to our room and cursed how some people at L13 are stupid, etc. And that this is a plan to fuck. So why didn't you write to them at the tribunal? 

We remember a lot of games where a team did something completely different or coughed up totally on what the commander told him and did nothing. And I don't even remember MOR writing a complaint about someone. 

We arrived at the position around 9 minutes, at that distance the DV could hardly be heard only in the vehicle to a limited extent. I had on the radio CTU it's an English speaking team, and MOR divided into 2 sections. Everyone was talking something different, and despite that, I had to find out what the commander on DV was saying. Right at the beginning, our TOW was cut off and the admin had to manage it for a few minutes. By the time he reported it, it was too late to move the TOW.

I moved TOW to this position right away because I was afraid that the enemy would be in a city south of us where it was supposed to be. I could report to the DV right away that I won't put it there yet, but the connection was bad at a distance, almost impossible.

About 15 minutes we had already spotted the enemy on the hill in front of us and TOW was still correcting it, I have the impression. Speaking English, Russian and Czech and rewriting brands, solving things is difficult for one person.

Изменено пользователем Stealth

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проблема решена в частном порядке, можете закрыть это нарушение.

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Почему вы не можете «решать проблемы в частном порядке» ДО публикации заявок в трибунал с последующим публичным выяснением отношений?

Изменено пользователем sup

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 @sup Это не объяснение отношений, а просто признание ошибок, допущенных обеими сторонами.

Я пытался это сделать, но Steath немедленно забанил меня, и ко мне подошли люди из MOR, и мы справились с такой же проблемой, как и взрослые, а не как дети, Stealth не появился, но другие от людей сделали это и рассказали мне ситуацию на там и я прощаю его.

Я извиняюсь, что мы спамили трибунал даром

Изменено пользователем Mattoni

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