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OFCRA - Arma international events

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Hi, after summer break OFCRA stars again organizing Arma PvP (TvT) events. If you are interested in, read the text below. :)

OFCRA games are always played once per two weeks on Thursday's at 21:00 (EU+1). The end of the briefing is normally at 21:30 (EU+1).

Public events are always posted on OFCRA websites: https://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php
For example: "[PvP Publique] Matchlight - 42vs43 - 03.10.2019"
Or you can check their calendar: https://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?action=calendar
The websites can be switched to EN language...

If you want to participate OFCRA events in the feature you can just enlist your people into this table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TRR_SHyJD9yuuT_BLkuITWeAm8GsaOABENqzh4QS8aM/edit#gid=0
Or your people can write just a comment into the table and someone with permissions will enlist them...

It is not necessary to have a full squad, you can always join together with some other squad.

People from the following countries are participating in the OFCRA games:
France, Netherland, Belgium, Germany, Great Britan, Spain, Italia, Czech Republic, Turkey, etc.
Together they have max about 80 - 100 people...

Basic information about addons:
- each mission has special addon pack = you should check addons for each event in A3sync -> repositories -> events
- basically OFCRA uses vanilla ACE, CUP Terrains, TFAR, RHS + BW, BAF, niarms + some special addons in OFCRA folder...
- the basic medical system is used at the missions
- A3sync repository: http://repo.ofcra.org/.a3s/autoconfig

Basic information about gameplay:
- in-game chat is active (only for tech problems)
- AI is not turned off (all unused slots are closed)
- it is allowed to use AI as a crew in the armored vehicles (driver, loader or commander)
- AI skill is set up to the lowest level...
- visibility for objects is limited for 5 km
- vanilla OCAP is used for taking records from the missions: https://game.ofcra.org/ocap/
- in all missions is the main objective to accomplish the given tasks (from each accomplished task your side gets victory points, side with more victory points at the end of the mission wins)
- mission time is normally limited for 1 hour 40 minutes

Briefing for each mission always looks like this:

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