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Violation of a rule 0.1 by player [RSG] Dgors, 08/24/2018 during 1 mission

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Nick of the violator: [RSG] Dgors
Violated rule: 0.1
Additional violated rules:
Violation date: 08/24/2018
Mission number: 1
Mission name: The Forgotten War
Suffered side: OPFOR
Witnesses (if they exist):
Violation description:

Through the povs that I am given, it seems that @Dgors went random to get those sweet sweet kills.

From the start he wasn't even driving with his own squad.



After some time, when the whole RSG squad arrived to thier LZ and got into firefight with URAL, he didn't even went there to help them.



After while he got to our position and killed 5 people in total, one of them was @JackReign who was KS of that mission.



From @Makaveli 's stream, there is no LZ marker on the map for any "nabl".




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Now I describe the situation for 5thPK. But I think it was the same for RSG.
As far as I know, there were not enough seats inside vehicle to get all squad members to their position. Bradley can accommodate 9 ppl total (3 crew members and 6 passengers). But we had 2 crew members and 9 squad members (11 total). So at least 2 guys had to move to LZ by foot.

I think that's why @Dgors made his walk without the squad.

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27 minutes ago, GonzoPunkass said:

Bradley can accommodate 9 ppl total (3 crew members and 6 passengers)

I didn't know that there was 10 ppl in the squad. But he could just go to the LZ by his foot. It wasn't that far. He still missed the LZ by almost 1km and when his comrades got under fire, it seems that he doesn't even care.

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@Dgors не поехал в составе своего отделения, потому что ему не хватило место в бредли. Перед началом движения, я дал приказ @Dgors идти строго на север с места старта, что он и выполнял. Связи с ним по КВ не было, потому что она не добивала из-за дальности и высот. Вдобавок к этому разница в расстоянии между нами была большая и восстановить с ним связь не представлялось возможным, потому что сразу после высадки у нас началось столкновение с врагом, в результате которого я скоропостижно умер. 
@Dgors слышал выстрелы БМП и, опасаясь выйти под неё без ПТ средств, он посчитал благоразумным обойти эту опасную высоту через замок, на котором меток на врага не стояло. (На кв его отделение не отзывалось, потому что мы уже были мертвы и, вероятно, кв мешала высота) Поэтому я считаю, что противоправных действий @Dgors не совершал. На мой взгляд, убийство вражеского КСа - вина его охранения, которое находилось за спиной командира стороны, когда он, стоя на высоте, смотрел в бинокль.

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Me and @Dgors talked about it, he told me everything. It simply happend because of bad mission design (number of spaces inside IFVs) and the possition of BMP-3, that could see him if he would fall back, so he just went straight to the hill with castle, where he killed bunch of his enemies. 

Therefore I would like to cancel the appeal.

I am sorry to interupt the administration of WOG with this, but again, at the start with the POVs that I had, it seemed bit fishy.

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