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Весь контент LEYDEN CTU
some moments febrero
Я все еще пытаюсь перевести и расшифровать, что случилось с bmp во vtn ... тогда я буду играть во второй сезон рюкзаков, это сложно, но интересно
покойся, товарищи ... борьба только начинается 9 frags/chuletas internacional for a tribunal, fatality
Мне нравится говорить по-русски, я думаю, что мы на правильном пути.
потом говорят, что вог не международный ... уругвайский играет на 16505 км. кто-то, кто объясняет мне, что он делает уругвайский здесь
at least our deaths were not in vain ... the rules changed! for a week it changes to a Russian project, there will be no Czechs or Argentines present ... I hope good memes! larga vida a la revolucion
sixore the discussion is traveling far and this will not bring anything. the important thing is the construction towards a future, the administration in the meeting told us that the missions will have important information in English and the triggers must be well placed to avoid problems
@Sixor How many russians speak spanish? that i remember LOM RASTYK AZARD.....ONLY ÑERI SAID paka paka paka
wait wait wait...... Let me get this straight, are you telling me that WOG is not international and only for Russians? Because in the description does not say that it is an exclusive project for Russians....or do you have the keys to wog?
But.... look at the project name, is called WEEKLY OPEN GAMES.. The game name is on english .. and on the information said that it is an international project.
With all honestly, I thought that at least we would receive a response in English, and with an explanation... Thanks to whom corresponds В апелляции отказано. significa que el miércoles puedo entrar a jugar?
Никнейм нарушителя: CTU LEYDEN Нарушенный пункт правил: 6.4 Ссылка на тему заявки в трибунале, по которой был забанен пользователь: https://wogames.info/topic/5980-narushenie-pp-64-igrokom-morsixor-moraja-ctuleyden-ctumiguel-ctuguido-ctuniko90-ctuandrezote92-umcvizard_-luka-16022019-na-3-missii/ Поручители (если есть): 4 years of fair play on WOG Доказательства невиновности: By this means we want to appeal the tribunal judgment, by which some Nigerian fighters have been arrested. [CTU] LEYDEN, [CTU] Miguel, [CTU] Guido, [CTU] Niko90, [CTU] Andrezote92, [UMC] Vizard_, luka We want to make clear several points: 1- First: There were no rules, conventions or norms of the mission translated into English. 2- there have been previous missions, with a demarcation similar to the one that provides this mission, that if crossed, does not represent a violation, and much less one that repsents a ban on personnel. 3- as a matter of fact, a few weeks ago, this same mission was played and we were on the attacking side, and we suffer an ambush in the exact same spot where we try ours. With some players (defend) crossing the same trigger. Not a single warning or saction was issue on that mission. 4- The mission is not clear at all. A) No single rule or convention in the briefing in english. B) The trigger not clear at all, with not a real representation in game (no pushing trigger, no GPS, no clear demarcation). C) The mission is played in a dense jungle, and if you add the heat of combat, is really difficult to know exactly where are you standing. D) This trigger is a very important one to leave it so little demarcated. Even more if you take in to consideration that end up with the ban of 7 nigerians fighters. 5- CTU has been a proud member of the WOG community for four years. We are not a register combat team, but we always try to help in all we can playing fair, with not a single warning or sanction in all this years. We allwais play fair, we never try to gain advantage of the missions. Is for this that we consider this sanction an exageration. The thing that bother us is not the fact that we can not play for a week, what annoys us is the public humilation for something that we didnt even know. 6-We demand the liberation of the nigerians fighters and the removal of this post. CTU LEYDEN
Yes Aja, we know that is a russian project from the first day, but to us reed russian, is like chinese, we only understand vodka, dabai dabai and not much more. The 6.4 rule said: 6.4 Violation of game conventions prescribed by the map in the mission description. To us, the description was IMPOSIBLE to reed. We have been here 4 years, we do our best to adapt and we do not complain. We bearly know when we atack or defend when we take a slot, and we assume the role we take by sinbol assosations (machinegunner, sniper/ CHAÑEP, etc), and yet we dont complain, we adapt. But in this case, this a ban or not ban information, and we can not even reed that!
free nigerian fighters
a video starts with azard ñeri is priceless ... everything else exists mastercard
Это все произведение искусства
Будь осторожен с аргентинцами, их там несколько, ты можешь получить Эболу.
only david copperfiel cross the chinese wall...but AJA NEW TACTICAL OPERATOR CQB
в первой миссии мы бежим так много, что я могу убедиться, что земля не плоская
makaveli try to put the granade with the windows