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Нарушение п.п. 0.1 игроком CTU, 10.05.2020 на 1 миссии

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Никнейм нарушителя: CTU
Нарушенный пункт правил: 1.3
Дополнительные нарушенные пункты: Нарушение порядка занятия слотов
Дата нарушения: 10.05.2020
Номер миссии: 1
Название миссии: False Targets
В отношении кого были нарушены правила: Игроки проекта
Свидетели нарушения (если имеются): Игроки проекта
Описание нарушения:

CTU заняли  слоты без команды игрового администратора. Хочу обратить внимание, что CTU уже получали предупреждение за данное нарушение

 Но рецидивы происходят чуть ли не на каждой 2-ой игре. yq9PIYcOm1U.jpg




Edited by Vankos

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In response to the warning’s citation, from our part the formal discharge was made on the forum to which we had no response. Then the administration privately informed us that they were going to make some changes to solve the problem when taking slots. Knowing this news made us happy, we understand the enormous effort of administrators to carry out this difficult task 


This problem is part of the already ongoing issue that started in the recent months from the WOG population increase. Added to a language difference that exists between our community and the one that most administrators speak.

Yes, we sincerely admit that it was a mistake on our part to take slots at that time, but understand that it was a confusion without any bad intention. In several cases we assume that when the second whisper is announced we take slots, this is better explained in the 3 points later in the text. We know the administration are trying to adjust to the fact that not everyone speaks or understands Russian, and we appreciate that, but this does not always happen. As soon as we were informed of our mistake in taking slots by the appropriate members (administration) with good disposition and without even questioning, we left slots. Before that, others took it aggressively, but that is another matter.


From our experience we have found 3 different situations at the moment to take slots:


1. Administrator writes on chat “take slot” (in Russian), so all the Game groups (Invited groups) take slot while we are translating the text. At the moment we translated the text there are no slot for all our group. Some players prefer not to play so as not to complicate the other squad by language and they leave instead. It should be noted that some players have been waiting for more than 40 minutes.


2. Administrator at the established time (20:50) gives the second whisper where he says some words that we don't understand and finish with “IG group” and sometimes he (admin) says “CTU take slot” after a few seconds. At this point there are often no slots left for the whole squad and we go back to point one (team is split, some players leave).


3. When the whisper is send, and we not always understand, the admin of the day enters to tell us but the time that between this is long and all the slots are already taken. 


We talked about this before and as it seems there is not possible to find agreement or solution, as it seems we are the last to come in everyone's mind, so somehow we have to survive and adapt.


Believe me we are trying our best, after so many years on WOG you could also admit it, but our situation is a bit different compared to other teams and as we are trying to adapt to a different situations and we expect the same from you, the situation can be handled differently as well, no need for insults of any kind.

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