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[MOR] Отряд MOR
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Сообщения, опубликованные Stealth

  1. 8 minutes ago, TRUE said:

    Today I was a little busy with another very cool topic, so I didn’t have time to prepare everything right in the afternoon. But now I'll start preparing lists. 

    While there is time to nominate the nominees for the nomination "Hero of the Week"! 

    Throw video!

    If you made a AntiHero to, I think we have the winner for this week :-)

  2. 10 hours ago, AntonK said:

    I understand that the hero of the week is Makaveli, right? 
    Eternal memory to all those who died from his drunken hands.

    We are not angry on Makaveli hes one of the legend from WOG. Ofcourse some time he have bad days :D But everyone knew hes drunk and get in the chopper :-) But rules are rules ofcourse! Everyone must deal with his reaction :-)


  3. We watching every zone and there were a lot of fight and then we look on CTU zone and we cant stop laugting :D CTU have funn :D And then we see a enemy coming to you :D :D But your fast reaction was awesome you kill them really good :D 



  4. Mr. Nevalyashka:

    Isnt MOR like MOR my friend.

    Spreekill fly to in this mission. We kill 18ppl, 2 Hmww 3 and 3 trucks and then he take all of this cars and bring them to the squads for help. It was alll only because Spreekill cigan :-)


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