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[MOR] Отряд MOR
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Сообщения, опубликованные Stealth

  1. 2 Months ago I have it recorded what you talk to me :D So you be honest.


    So the decision to move Tow backwards resulted in the death of everyone on our side and the loss of the game: D What about Bradley AA? Did I hear they screwed up enough? Will you write a tribunal for them as well? A lot of teams will die every game because something goes wrong, etc. and that's why you'll blame them and want to bann for them? I remember the last game that L13 commanded. How you came to our room and cursed how some people at L13 are stupid, etc. And that this is a plan to fuck. So why didn't you write to them at the tribunal? 

    We remember a lot of games where a team did something completely different or coughed up totally on what the commander told him and did nothing. And I don't even remember MOR writing a complaint about someone. 

    We arrived at the position around 9 minutes, at that distance the DV could hardly be heard only in the vehicle to a limited extent. I had on the radio CTU it's an English speaking team, and MOR divided into 2 sections. Everyone was talking something different, and despite that, I had to find out what the commander on DV was saying. Right at the beginning, our TOW was cut off and the admin had to manage it for a few minutes. By the time he reported it, it was too late to move the TOW.

    I moved TOW to this position right away because I was afraid that the enemy would be in a city south of us where it was supposed to be. I could report to the DV right away that I won't put it there yet, but the connection was bad at a distance, almost impossible.

    About 15 minutes we had already spotted the enemy on the hill in front of us and TOW was still correcting it, I have the impression. Speaking English, Russian and Czech and rewriting brands, solving things is difficult for one person.

  2. Its not personal but punish only KS commander :D On TS you write me something diferent. 

    <16:18:01> "[L-13]Mattoni" pokes you: ty si mi dal BAN první, absolutně bezvýznamně, když se chováš ty jako čurak, budu se tak chovat i ja


    you gave me BAN first, absolutely insignificant, if you act like a dick, I'll act like that

    <16:18:30> "[L-13]Mattoni" pokes you: jenom bych si tedka dávalů pozor, aby si porušoval co nejmíň pravidel :)


    I would just be careful to break as few rules as possible :)


    So dont tell me it is not personal. 


    Please admin to lock this complaint I will not comment on it anymore. Let everyone interpret it as they wish.



    Admins can also ask the people I commanded if something was wrong.

  3. Lol? Really? : D Yes I place TOW on different poss. But even so, it didn't help because the radar from the enemy helicopter found everything anyway. And that's all? Are you writing such nonsense here? I repeat that Mattoni has a personal problem with me because I kicked him out of the clan and now he is threatening me at WOG to watch out for him :-) 

    Depending on the situation, as a division commander, I considered it better to hide the TOW backwards where it would have a better chance of survival. But unfortunately it still had no value.

    And Mattoni writes this submission only because I banned him at MOR TS :-) So I think it's personal again.

  4. 11 hours ago, MarkTwain said:


    Я бросил эти гранаты :-( Извините. У нас не было карты, и мы не знали, где кто был :-(

  5. Spoiler


    Макиавелли, приятель,где прачешься? Где наши моменты с ВОГа?


    Христос Воскрес, друзья! Счастливых праздников :-)



  6. 12 hours ago, Hohmobot said:

    Unfair? Heli lost all his hellfiers by shooting a moving tank, then MGS got destroyed by this tank a bit later. Side commander should consider, that Important slots should not be picked by someone who can't play properly. But if you don't care - then stop complaining.

    I not play this mission so I dont know. I want play missions with fair sides. Prefer without termal and wehicles. Deus Vult

  7. This weekend was great to play. We enjoyed all the games and laughed a lot. The best was DMB and reaction of Visu and Kubajs in second mission  : D :-) We really like playing with you :-)



    By the way https://stats.wogames.info/replays/1423/   43:00 min RIP KND and Darted :-(


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