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[MOR] Отряд MOR
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Весь контент Stealth

  1. Stealth


    In Mission is writed Termal OFF. But Atack side have Termal scope? For defend side is this mission one big shi... :-(
  2. я тоже хочу быть админом !!!
  3. Stealth

    Route Block

    I not play this mission so I dont know. I want play missions with fair sides. Prefer without termal and wehicles. Deus Vult
  4. Stealth

    Route Block

    Again unfair mission for our side :D
  5. https://stats.wogames.info/replays/1479/ After 1 hour and 5 minutes, can anyone explain what happend in our forrest north from base? People were starting to see the enemy and die of themselves :D :D
  6. @Mishel 4 People looking on same thing and no one cover :-(
  7. This weekend was great to play. We enjoyed all the games and laughed a lot. The best was DMB and reaction of Visu and Kubajs in second mission : D :-) We really like playing with you :-) A. By the way https://stats.wogames.info/replays/1423/ 43:00 min RIP KND and Darted :-(
  8. Moments from the Friday game :-) That happend when you mess with Nigerian people :-)
  9. @almost Yes And you want to win too. Don't fool anyone and dont fool yourself. If you think you want win and prefare "dushok (soul) gaming", you will not think the same when loose 3-30 times in a row. You are wrong in this my friend :-( Yes, we also want to win. But we prefer a long quality game without loss, rather than winning. I can sit in the base for 2 hours without do anything. I have not problem with it, not like anyone. Kubajs only say he prefer good gaming then fast game. Do not be ugly on him we like you guys. And: PS If this not FUN for you .. So .. >>> Link <<< You can look on our steam account. And you can see here we not play games like this. : - *
  10. After this spin I don't remember a good game we would play :-(
  11. I think WOG is about good gaming. But the second game showed the opposite :-(
  12. I apologize for what I said to Avarax when he came to us, but if someone invades us and greets us and starts talking to us in bad Russian it's not nice. And I'm sorry that because of personal disagreements you immediately ban someone KND :-( And if you want to win unfair game when banishing party commander so it is pretty sad.
  13. I'm glad we have a lot of game administrators to control missions :-) Yesterday it was really bad :-( I know that when MOR is in charge of missions it is not very good command, but yesterday we played 2 big games and it was really bad. .. :-( The first one we had a slot for LAV, but we didn't have a vehicle. And our command wasn't able to give us at least one AT. But we still enjoyed the game :-)
  14. Отличная игра! MOR спасибо всем за победу!
  15. That was that loong shoot sound from the back of our compound ahaaaaa :D
  16. Stealth

    Weekly Open Games 16.08.2019 - 17.08.2019


    We want to termal in Warrioirs! :D And better 6 Warriors.
  17. Это друзья понедельника :-) Помните, WOG это наша семья, а не враг. Хорошей недели (Нахрен. Работа, дом, отпуск). И мы снова видим WOG. I hope its correct! :-)
  18. The defend side was happy when we see a smoke on the map. It was good without one pussy termal vehicle. And please Avarax isnt in MOR so dont waste with our name. By the way, shooting your helicopter down warm my hearth :-) A. And If anyone TK someone in the game they know they must say sorry and apologies. But yes sometime people are stupid and not say something.
  19. Stealth

    Weekly Open Games 09.08.2019 - 10.08.2019


    OK MOR give OSN command on 10.08 First mission :-) Spasiba
  20. Stealth

    Weekly Open Games 09.08.2019 - 10.08.2019


    MOR have not to much people this week all lot of us are on Holiday. So if anyone want commanding take it please.

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