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Весь контент Aja

  1. Aja

    On a hunt

    Хорошая быстрая миссия. Благодаря туману подразделения могли действовать вместе, не опасаясь быть уничтоженными противником на расстоянии или заранее обнаружить их движение.
  2. Aja

    Меню команд / Command menu

    В наборе модов раньше был скрипт, который делал ваш экран черным, если вы использовали командное меню (кнопки по умолчанию 2 и 4). Теперь сценарий отсутствует. Можно ли использовать функцию ace и заставить ее на уровне сервера запретить это меню? In the mod set it used to be a script, that turned your screen black if you used the command menu (default buttons 2 and 4). Now the script is missing. Is it possible to use the ace function and force it on the server level to not allow this menu?
  3. Is that some kind of enhanced interrogation technique straight from the CIA or just daily war crime?
  4. I think, there were some changes in the armor balance. The last time we played the mission, it was easy to kill BMP-2 with the Warrior, but yesterday it was impossible. The BMPs were eating multiple rounds of armor-piercing rounds and were still operable. It was pointless, that we personally dodged 5 or 6 missiles if we could not kill BMP... [Думаю, в балансе брони произошли некоторые изменения. В прошлый раз, когда мы проходили миссию, убить БМП-2 Воином было легко, но вчера это было невозможно. БМП съедали несколько выстрелов бронебойных снарядов и оставались боеспособными. Было бессмысленно, что мы лично увернулись от 5-6 ракет, если не смогли уничтожить БМП...]
  5. We have played around 200 missions every year for the last decade... Sometimes it is good to try something different. I have no problem with some spicy plans and weird commands... [За последнее десятилетие мы ежегодно выполняли около 200 миссий... Иногда полезно попробовать что-то новое. У меня нет проблем с пикантными планами и странными приказами...]
  6. You just ruined my childhood! I have been remembering clearly that in this scene was real hind and not some mockup.
  7. Aja

    Обновление сборки WOG 27.12.2021

    Pls next one this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2129532219
  8. Aja

    Обновление сборки WOG 25.10.2021

    фикс пропажи солнца на такистане и заргабаде fix for missing sun on takistan|zargabad lol
  9. This is how to aim the D-30. Only what I would like to add is, that the top number is for situatuion, when the tripod is elevatet/lover than the gun. If in the mission is no tripod, there are two ways how to "cheat" and use the "feature" of the game engine. You can use compas/buzzola in the map to align for deflection/azimuth. Or you can use the feature, that the optics is in a fix position at the start and use some random box or tree for aiming (optimally some one put the box in your field of view...
  10. For precision aiming you need to set up the magnetic-compass-aiming-circle on a tripod near the gun and get the right deflection from that device... It is long story to explain how to do while not to be in the game.
  11. Aja

    Обновление сборки WOG 20.09.2021

    "Removed Vinjesvingen "
  12. Today I have found why the new GPU is so expensive:
  13. If you want to check, you can via mission editor (or you can use ArmaUnbin and see in a text editor), just see the parameter of this module: https://imgur.com/a/pQtcV5c If you want to know more, check this script in wog mods: https://imgur.com/nkNH2Fo You can prepare a script to generate a tab in the briefing menu if you have spare time and energy. :-) But I think it is waste of time. If you are willing to script, try to create a script for checking however all units around you have uniform dressed (check uniform bug) up, and if not, sent him automatically message via WMT (home) chat box or activate event handler to show hint message. Or create a script to check, if everyone wears only those uniform, which was in the list of all uniform for his side at the start of the mission, and if not, generate automatically hint.
  14. It is all about the mighty script. No bargain, no begging, the sqf script will decide by a higher power.
  15. Do you know what is the best armored vehicle? This: The projectile goes through, but makes no damage!
  16. With permission, I will use the post I previously posted in the flame thread on the forum (Posted Sunday at 11:22 AM): "When the PIVADS started to fire on our squad, everything went to shit. And I know that we are going to die on that beach, so I started running toward the PIVADS with the hope to save others (at the time, on the radio there was only screaming: "we are going to die..., etc". After the PIVADS there was one guy in front of me, so I killed him. After that I lost contact with others, I thought they are dead, so I followed the grand plan, which was just to move to the zone (I have no map!!) After I get access to long-range radio, I retreated and try to contact some squad, but there was dead silence on every frequency. I know, I made mistake (probably ruined the game for some people), when I started running toward the PIVADS in the heat of battle and I should die on the beach with other brothers. I know it was a mistake, I know I fucked up, but you just asked for a reason and I know this is not an excuse."
  17. Really are there people who cannot interpolate between two values? Even if the dependency is quadratic you should be able to guess the right value in whole integers, maybe with a +-1 error. And if you use a small calibre mortar, that means, the error will resolve in the error of 5 meters max. google translate: еужели есть люди, которые не могут интерполировать между двумя значениями? Даже если зависимость квадратичная, вы сможете угадать правильное значение в целых числах, возможно, с ошибкой + -1. А если использовать малокалиберный миномет, значит, ошибка разрешится в погрешности не более 5 метров.
  18. Aja

    Scarab Hunting

    The driver can be killed, the vehicle cannot. The only way how to destroy a vehicle is to get close to 5 meters radius. Водитель может быть убит, а автомобиль - нет. Единственный способ уничтожить технику - приблизиться к радиусу 5 метров.

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