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  1. GieNkoV

    Arma Coop Corps - Polish ARMA community

    We are after our first 2 WOG missions with [b][member=phlps][/b] as our team leader, we must say we are both thrilled and shocked by the scale and speed of the missions. Things in our community usually take more time... longer briefings, longer and slower (but careful) actions etc. Some missions finish after 4 hours. Still it was a lot of fun for us! We are definitely looking forward to play more with you, people are eager already, towarzysz seemed to had very good time :)
  2. GieNkoV

    Arma Coop Corps - Polish ARMA community

    I will ask people around if they want to bring back good memories from A2 ;) I'm interested already ^^
  3. GieNkoV

    Arma Coop Corps - Polish ARMA community

    It only depends on people from our community. On our side right now we have switched completely to ArmA 3 and nobody seems to play ArmA 2 anymore. But if it were possible, then maybe we could gather enough people to form small squad (~15) on ArmA 2 :)
  4. GieNkoV

    Arma Coop Corps - Polish ARMA community

    friend czy wy nie graliście kiedyś z nami misji na Arma 2 jeszcze?
  5. GieNkoV

    Arma Coop Corps - Polish ARMA community

    O kurcze, nie spodziewałem się że zastanę tutaj kogoś mówiącego po polsku :) Prosiłbym o więcej informacji nt. tegoż projektu bo brzmi interesująco :)
  6. GieNkoV

    Arma Coop Corps - Polish ARMA community

      Who are we?   Arma Coop Corps is a polish community that aims to gather players interested in milsim gameplay, using ARMA series games. Each person who wants to play must finish recruitment process that requires taking part in basic training and combat drills. After joining there is no requirement to play and everyone can play at any frequency they want.   Where did we came from?   Arma Coop Corps (ACC), initially Arma 2 Coop (A2C), was created as a initiative of few people, that wanted to have their own server to play on. That idea caused some arguments between founders of A2C and administrators of group, within that idea came on initially in 2008. This finally caused a break and in 2010, cause of fast growth and development of whole group, A2C became independent of others and started to work as in current form. Futher in time, after Arma 3 release, decision to change name was made, as seen above we operate as Arma Coop Corps now.   What connect us?   ACC players connects will for cooperative gameplay and simulating todays battlefield atmosphere. We do this by using military procedures, tactics and behaviours, that are used in nowadays battlefields, and which can be used within Arma 3.   What do we offer? Everyday missions at 20:00 in the spirit of simulation and with dedication of nowadays battlefield reality Missions in which a few dozen of players take part. Everyday missions are the base of this community and they are realised with full simulation discipline. Few big missions in a month that have extended briefings and records. Player numbers that take part in those missions are way higher than everyday missions. Possibility to take part in "Master Class" trainings that aim to teach people specialized skills, like: Explosive specialist / engineer Medic Sniper/scout Radiooperator JTAC Artilleryman Grenadier AT/AA specialist etc. Ability to join specialized regiments which aim to gather people interested in simulating given detachments, like: Infantry regiment SF regiment Armored regiment Airforce regiment Many guides and tutorials available on our forums Possibility to take part in community interested in well known militarism TS3 server on which you can talk to other community members and meet new people [hr]   Hello, I'm one of few admins that run ACC, we are interested in making new friends from other countries and taking part in some big events you organise here, because people from our community would like to take part in really big missions. Right now we are in contact with some German and Czechoslovak groups, one of which plays here. We were invited to take part in mission with those groups at http://www.mig.pw/ and http://armaworld.de/ . I was directed by phlps to WOG and tomorrow 11.12.2015 we are taking part in one of your events!   I'd like to thank you in advance for such invite, it means a lot for us. See you on battlefield!

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