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Сообщения, опубликованные Stealth

  1. https://stats.wogames.info/replays/2425/?frame=856&posx=8066&posy=3712&zoom=9&faction=1&paused=1

    What happend here SRR? Why you didn´t respawn? It was under 10 minutes. Poor Greid you kill him like dog :-)

  2. 32 minutes ago, HaskiLove said:

    It doesn't really matter weak you or not.
    It all depends on your effort to make a good plan, to take good positions while defending smth.

    Sometimes i think that you even don't want to make this effort, especially while making plans. Couple years in a row whithout any changes ...

    Just take look at SRR, they're newbies on this project but every singe week thay're tearing their asses off to make a normal plan, to take appropriate positions with their squad on the mission. They're tryharding af and i can't say anything about them only positive words.

    Даже если это не так, мальчики тратят много времени на план. Но, конечно, кто-то поторопится. Но лично для меня не имеет значения, проиграю я или выиграю, я просто хочу сыграть в хорошую игру и пообщаться с людьми, которых знаю некоторое время, и люблю с ними играть.

  3. 15 hours ago, HaskiLove said:

    And there was nothing like that, I was interrupted




    Best video commentary :-) 


    Hope you have better teammates than us in the next rotation. Yes, we have weaker people, but we play the game because we like it here, and whether we have frags or not does not matter.

    Когда я вас слушаю, все некомпетентны, когда умирают, и только ваша команда лучшая :-)


    First of all, I would like to thank JW for a great game. And what about these spacings? Can players without a clan tag do everything? https://stats.wogames.info/replays/2287/?frame=1918&posx=11038&posy=11413&zoom=4.813640978513119&faction=1&paused=1


    This mission is bad if you don't destroy Ka 52 right away and the attack will lose. Why do you still give against (Ka52, Mi24) shilka and ZU? THIS is terribly disproportionate. If so, give us at least 4 anti-aircraft missiles or Tunguska with radar :-). Then don't be surprised that someone gives the order to destroy the Helicopter at the beginning and you want a BAN for him :-(  And these motorcycles! Don't put them there. They swing like a swing. These motorcycles have made some moron in the Bohemia Interactive. 

    Many MOR members have worked for Bohemia Interactive or are still working there. And, believe me, there are enough morons :-)



    Но это свинарник :-(


  6. 2 hours ago, Marty said:

    On Saturday, I was very surprised by the fighter A + Vitalya. How he was able to see in the bushes on the technique of 3 fighters. At the same time, having come to them and kill. With almost zero visibility. You either see through the textures or you went to the infe from the streamer. 

    Я помню, что у кого-то это уже было на А2. И даже здесь мы встретили людей, которые видели в окно 400 метров леса, чувак. :-(


    Я никого не виню. НО сколько раз действительно странно, как кто-то мог видеть кого-то в этом роде.

  7. 1 hour ago, TRUE said:

    I don't like playing for the armed forces of Ukraine, I was attacked by them in the city of Kramatorsk in 2014. This is a personal question for me. The author of the mission gave out a gray form in a snowy forest. It seemed to me that guys without uniforms would be less noticeable. Therefore, he gave the order to remove the uniform.

    I understand and I'm sorry :-( My wife is from Ukraine and I know what happened there :-(

  8. Nick of the violator: Matthew
    Violated rule: 0.3
    Additional violated rules:
    Violation date: 03/26/2021
    Mission number: 1
    Mission name: Villa Abu Hajar 2.1
    Suffered side: East
    Witnesses (if they exist):
    Violation description:



    This is another mission that this player goes solo.

  9. Nick of the violator: Matthew
    Violated rule: 0.1
    Additional violated rules:
    Violation date: 03/26/2021
    Mission number: 1
    Mission name: Villa Abu Hajar 2.1
    Suffered side: East
    Witnesses (if they exist):
    Violation description:


    This is another mission that this player likes to go alone. I don't know if the commander gives him such orders, but in that case I would ban him!

    Please check this no clan player.


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